S_TX_STU_NONENR_UIL_C (ver 23.11.1)
This table is a child of the Students table and is used to store records for Non-Enrolled UIL Participants.
Column Name | Version | Data Type | Description |
STUDENTSDCID | 23.11.1 | NUMBER(10,0) | The foreign key to link to the students table. |
Comments | 23.11.1 | VarChar2(250) | Optional comments for the record. |
E0266_NonEnr_UIL_Campus | 23.11.1 | VarChar2(9) | The reportable campus where the student particpates in UIL activities. |
E1739_NonEnr_UIL_Act | 23.11.1 | VarChar2(3) | The code for the UIL activity in which the student participates. |
YearID | 23.11.1 | NUMBER(11,0) | The reportable school year for UIL activity. |