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S_TX_STU_ESY_C (ver 16.7.0)

This table is a child of the Students table and is used for collecting Extended Services Year data.

Column Name


Data Type


E0017_GRADE_LEVEL16.7.0VARCHAR2(2)The grade level the student was at the time the services were rendered.
E0173_INSTR_SETTING116.7.0VARCHAR2(2)The primary instructional setting for the student.
E0173_INSTR_SETTING216.7.0VARCHAR2(2)Used for speech if the student received more than speech services.
E0782_CAMPUS_ID16.7.0VARCHAR2(9)The campus the student was enrolled for the services.
E1013_CONTACT_HOURS121.8.1Number(25,10)The number of contact hours received for the first instructional setting. Modified to support one decimal place in version 21.8.1.
E1013_CONTACT_HOURS221.8.1Number(25,10)The number of contact hours received for the second instructional setting if applicable. Modified to support one decimal place in version 21.8.1.
ID16.7.0NUMBER(10,0)Primary key.
STUDENTSDCID16.7.0NUMBER(10,0)Foreign key.
YEARID16.7.0NUMBER(11,0)The year for this record data.

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