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S_TX_STU_ASSESSMENT_C (ver 16.7.0)

This table is a child of the Students table and is used for collecting yearly Assessment Precode and PEIMS SSI data.

Column Name


Data Type


ABOVE_GRADE_LEVEL_CODE16.7.0VARCHAR2(2)Denotes a student in grades 3 - 8 took an assessment for a grade higher then their grade level.
EOC_TESTVER_A1_CODE16.7.0VARCHAR2(1)Denotes the version of End of Course Algebra for the student.

Denotes the version of End of Course Biology for the student.

EOC_TESTVER_E1_CODE16.7.0VARCHAR2(1)Denotes the version of End of Course English I for the student.
EOC_TESTVER_E2_CODE16.7.0VARCHAR2(1)Denotes the version of End of Course English II for the student.
EOC_TESTVER_US_CODE16.7.0VARCHAR2(1)Denotes the version of End of Course US History for the student.
HOME_CDC_CODE16.7.0VARCHAR2(9)The home County District Campus number for a student testing at another campus.
ID16.7.0NUMBER(10,0)Primary Key.
MATH_SCORE_CODE16.7.0VARCHAR2(1)The version of math for students in grades 3 - 8.
READING_SCORE_CODE16.7.0VARCHAR2(1)The version of reading for students in grades 3 - 8.
SCIENCE_SCORE_CODE16.7.0VARCHAR2(1)The version of science for students in grades 3 - 8.

Obsolete as of the July 2020 release; this element is now tracked in the S_TX_STU_SSI_PROM_RET_C table. The student's SSI code for promotion or retention.

SS_SCORE_CODE16.7.0VARCHAR2(1)The version of social studies for students in grades 3 - 8.
STUDENTSDCID16.7.0NUMBER(10,0)Foreign key.
WRITING_SCORE_CODE16.7.0VARCHAR2(1)The version of writing for students in grades 3 - 8.
YEARID16.7.0NUMBER(11,0)The year for this assessment coding.

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