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S_TX_SGR_X (ver 14.4.0)

This table is an extension of the Stored Grades table.

Column Name


Data Type





A foreign key that relates the extended table to the [StoredGrades] table.

AAR_AVG_Override15.6.4VarChar2(5)The year long average if not stored in a final store code.
AAR_Subject_Category18.2.0Varchar2(5)The subject area for the course; used for TREX and the AAR.
Abbrev_Course_Name18.1.0VarChar2(50)The abbreviated course name, copied from the same field in Courses, at the time the stored grades process is run.
Additional_Explain_Code16.3.0VarChar2(9)No longer used as of the July 2018 state reporting release; replaced by Explanation_Code_Combined.
Any additional explanation codes that identify the type of course. 
ATC_Indicator_Code16.3.0VarChar2(1)Indicates the courses was taken as an articulated course. Migrated from Storedgrades.TX_Ovr_E1058 or U_Storedgradesuserfields.TX_Ovr_E1058].
Alternate_CDC15.6.4VarChar2(9)The County District Campus that awarded the credit for this course if different from the school id.
Alternate_CDC_SchoolName21.2.2.0Varchar2(60)The School Name of the County District Campus that awarded the credit for this course if different from the school id.
Alt_Course_Number16.4.0VarChar2(8)The service id for a course that is not in the Courses table and is a manual entry (SectionID is 0).
Begin_Date16.3.0DateThe begin date for the student's enrollment for this stored grade. Migrated from Storedgrades.TX_Begining_Date or U_Storedgradesuserfields.TX_Begining_Date].
Class_ID_Number16.3.0VarChar2(14)The Class ID Number for this section. Migrated from Storedgrades.TX_Ovr_E1056 or U_Storedgradesuserfields.TX_Ovr_E1056].
College_Credit_Hours16.3.0Number(11,0)The number of college credit hours earned for this section.  Migrated from Storedgrades.TX_Ovr_E1081 or U_Storedgradesuserfields.TX_Ovr_E1081].
CREDIT_RECOVERY23.9.3Number(1,0)Identifies the course as a credit recovery course.
Dual_Credit16.3.0VarChar2(1)Indicates if the course was taken for Dual Credit. Migrated from Storedgrades.TX_Ovr_E1011 or U_Storedgradesuserfields.TX_Ovr_E1011].
E094815.6.4VerChar2(1)The course sequence code override for if different from the section or if no section is associated with the stored grade.


The calculated unique Ed-Fi Section Identifier for manual entry stored grades records.


The user-defined override to the calculated Ed-Fi Section Identifier for manual entry stored grades records.
E106815.6.4VarChar2(1)The course completion code to override the calculated value.
E1597_ONRAMPS17.8.0VarChar2(1)Indicates that the student has successfully completed an OnRamps dual credit course.
End_Date16.3.0DateThe end date for the student's enrollment for this stored grade. Migrated from Storedgrades.TX_Ending_Date or U_Storedgradesuserfields.TX_Ending_Date].
Exclude_From_41515.6.4VarChar2(1)A flag to mark this stored grade from being included in the student transcript summer and extended year collections.
Exclude_From_AAR16.4.0Number(1,0)Indicates if the stored grades record should be excluded from the Academic Achievement Record (AAR).




Indicates if the stored grades record should be excluded from TREx.

Explanation_Code_Combined18.7.0Varchar2(100)The Special Explanation Code(s) that identify the type of course; used in the AAR and TREx. As of the July 2018 state reporting release, this single field replaces the now obsolete ([STOREDGRADES]GPA_Custom1) + Additional_Explain_Code.
Non_Campus_Based_Instr16.3.0VarChar2(2)Indicates the non-campus based instruction code for this section. Migrated from Storedgrades.TX_Ovr_E1072 or U_Storedgradesuserfields.TX_Ovr_E1072].

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