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This table is an extension of the Special Enrollments table and stores RFT Special Programs data for state reporting.

Column Name


Data Type


SPEnrollmentsDCID19.6.2.0Number(10,0)Foreign key link to the SPENROLLMENTS table.
E1627_SEN_RF_ID19.6.2.0Varchar2(6)The unique residential facility identification number in which the student resides.
E1633_Attend_Zone_Campus19.6.2.0Varchar2(9)The TEA CDC number for the campus the student is expected to attend based on the geographic location of the residential facility in which the student resides.
E1634_Educated_At_RF19.6.2.0Varchar2(1)Indicates whether the student is educated at or in the general location of a residential facility.
E1635_Surrogate_Assigned19.6.2.0Varchar2(1)Indicates whether the student has been assigned a surrogate parent.
E1636_Std_Assig_Same_Surrog19.6.2.0Number(11,0)Indicates how many other students have been assigned to the same surrogate parent.
E1637_RF_School_Day_Length19.6.2.0Number(11,0)Indicates the number of minutes the residential facility student receives instruction based on the Individualized Education Plan (IEP).
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