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S_TX_SEN_INTERV_X (ver 18.6.0)

This table is an extension of the Special Enrollments table and stores Intervention Strategy Special Programs data for state reporting.

Column Name


Data Type


SPEnrollmentsDCID18.6.0Number(10,0)Foreign key link to the SPENROLLMENTS table.
E1602_Indicator18.6.0Varchar2(1)Intervention Strategy Indicator Code.
Reason_Academic18.6.0Number(1,0)Intervention Reason - Academic Concerns (local use field).
Reason_Attendance18.6.0Number(1,0)Intervention Reason - Attendance Concerns (local use field).
Reason_Behavior18.6.0Number(1,0)Intervention Reason - Behavior Concerns (local use field).
Reason_Medical18.6.0Number(1,0)Intervention Reason - Medical Concerns (local use field).
Reason_Other18.6.0Number(1,0)Intervention Reason - Other (local use field).
Reason_Parental18.6.0Number(1,0)Intervention Reason - Parental Concerns (local use field).
Reason_STAAR18.6.0Number(1,0)Intervention Reason - STARR Failure (local use field).

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