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S_TX_PAC_IMPORT_S(ver 23.2.1)

This is a stand-alone table used by the student Assessment Portal Access Code Extract and Import Process.

Column Name


Data Type

Student_Number23.2.1DoubleThe Local Student Number for the student.
State_StudentNumber23.2.1Varchar2(20)The Unique ID for the student.
Test_Type23.2.1Varchar2(15)The Test Type of the imported record.
Test_Date23.2.1DateThe Test Date of the imported record.
Grade_Level_Tested23.2.1NumberThe Grade Level for the Student.
Portal_Access_Code23.2.1Varchar2(200)The Access Code stored in encrypted format.
Import_File_Row_Number23.2.1IntegerThe Import Row Number
Include_In_Import23.2.1Number(1)The flag to exclude or include records for import
Import_Message23.2.1Varchar2(400)The Error Message if any while importing the record
Import_Filename23.2.1DoubleThe Import File name
Test_Result_Id23.2.1DoubleThe Unique Test Result ID for the record.
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