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This is a stand-alone table used by the Texas Student Census Block Import tool.

Column Name


Data Type

Block_Group22.9.1Varchar2(1)Block group for the student's Census Block code.
Census_Block22.9.1Varchar2(12)The 12-digit census Census Block Group code.
City22.9.1Varchar2(50)The city for the student's address.
Confidence22.9.1DoubleThe Confidence percent for the student's Census Block code.
CountyCode22.9.1Varchar2(3)The County Code for the student's Census Block code.
Effective_Date22.9.1DateThe effective date for the record.
Import_File_Row_Number22.9.1IntegerThe Import Row Number
Import_FileName22.9.1Varchar2(260)The Import FIle name
Import_Status22.9.1Varchar2(50)Status of the imported records
Latitude22.9.1DoubleLatitude for the student's Census Block code.
Longitude22.9.1DoubleLongitude for the for the student's Census Block code.
SchoolYear22.9.1IntegerSchoolYear to be selected
StateCode22.9.1Varchar2(2)State Code for the student's Census Block code.
Street22.9.1Varchar2(60)The first line of the student's address.
Street222.9.1Varchar2(60)The second line of the student's address.
State22.9.1Varchar2(2)The state for the student's address.
Student_Number22.9.1IntegerStudent Number of imported student
Tract22.9.1Varchar2(6)Tract for the student's Census Block Code.
Type22.9.1Varchar2(50)Type for the student's Census Block Code
Zip22.9.1Varchar2(5)The zip code for the student's address.
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