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This table holds final grade store code mapping information for the CRDC reports.

Column Name


Data Type


Unique_ID17.7.0Number(11,0)The Unique ID for the stored grades record. Migrated from [CRDCFinalGradeStoreCodes]unique_ID.
SchoolID17.7.0Number(11,0)The School ID associated with the stored grade. Migrated from [CRDCFinalGradeStoreCodes]schoolID.
ForeignKey17.7.0Number(11,0)The Foreign Key for the stored grade. Migrated from [CRDCFinalGradeStoreCodes]foreignKey.
ForeignKey_Alpha17.7.0Varchar2(31)The alpha-based Foreign Key for the stored grade. Migrated from [CRDCFinalGradeStoreCodes]foreignKey_alpha.
TermID17.7.0Number(11,0)The Term ID associated with the stored grade. Migrated from [CRDCFinalGradeStoreCodes]user_defined_integer.
YearID17.7.0Number(11,0)The Year ID associated with the stored grade. Migrated from [CRDCFinalGradeStoreCodes]user_defined_numeric.
StoreCodeList17.7.0Varchar2(2000)The list of final grade store codes for CRDC reporting. Migrated from [CRDCFinalGradeStoreCodes]user_defined_text.
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