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S_TN_USR_X (ver 16.12.5)

This table is a extension of the Users table.

Column Name


Data Type


UsersDCID16.12.5Number(10,0)The key that links to the Users table.
Recreate_060_YN16.12.5Varchar2(1)Determines if the user will have the 060 extract data recreated.
Recreate_062_YN16.12.5Varchar2(1)Determines if the user will have the 062 extract data recreated.
Recreate_063_YN16.12.5Varchar2(1)Determines if the user will have the 063 extract data recreated.
NameSuffix16.12.5Varchar2(10)Staff name suffix.
State_ExcludeFromReporting17.6.0Number(1,0)Exclude from State Reporting.
InstructionalProgramNbr17.6.0Varchar2(2)Instructional Program Number.
LicenseNumber17.6.0Varchar2(9)License Number.
LicensureCheck17.6.0Varchar2(1)Licensure Check.
WorkStatus17.6.0Varchar2(1)Staff work status.
HireDate19.9.2.0DateStaff hire date.
ExitDate19.9.2.0DateStaff exit date.
Cell_Phone19.9.2.0Number(10,0)Staff cellular phone number.
LIC_FNAME22.6.1.0VARCHAR2(20)License FirstName
LIC_LNAME22.6.1.0VARCHAR2(20)License LastName
LIC_MNAME22.6.1.0VARCHAR2(20)License MiddleName
LICNAME_EDFI_YN22.6.1.0VARCHAR2(20)Flag to use License Name field in EDFI.
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