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S_TN_AUD_EXTRACT_049_S ver 17.9.0

This table is a stand alone audit table to record data changes related to the 049 extract.

Column Name


Data Type


ID17.9.0Number(11,0)Unique Record ID.
ChangedCoreColumnNames17.9.0Varchar2(4000)List of column names changed
DataVersion17.9.0Varchar2(50)Generated identifier of the data change event
DMLDate17.9.0DateData Transaction Date
DML_Type17.9.0Varchar2(5)Data Transaction Type
E_ATT_Mode_Code17.9.0Varchar2(20)Attendance Mode Code (logical key)
E_Calendar_DayID17.9.0Number(11,0)Calendar Attendance Day ID (logical key)
E_Date17.9.0DateAttendance Date (logical key)
E_DCID17.9.0Number(11,0)DCID of record that changed (logical key)
E_ID17.9.0Number(11,0)ID of record that changed (logical key)
E_Periodid17.9.0Number(11,0)Period ID (logical key)
E_Programid17.9.0Number(11,0)Program ID (logical key)
E_SchoolID17.9.0Number(11,0)School ID (logical key)
E_StudentID17.9.0Number(11,0)Student ID (logical key)
E_YearID17.9.0Number(11,0)Year ID (logical key)
N_Attendance_CodeID17.9.0Number(11,0)New Attendance Code ID
O_Attendance_CodeID17.9.0Number(11,0)Old Attendance Code ID
TableName17.9.0Varchar2(30)Name of the table that had a change
UserID17.9.0Varchar2(11)User ID who made the change
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