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S_TN_AUD_EXTRACT_048_S (ver 18.5.0)

This table is a standalone Audit table for the Extract 48.

Column NameVersionData TypeDescription
DML_Type18.5.0Varchar2(5)Data Transaction Type.
DMLDate18.5.0DateData Transaction Date.
ChangedCoreColumnNames18.5.0Varchar2(4000)List of column names changed.
UserID18.5.0Varchar2(11)User ID who made the change.
DataVersion18.5.0Varchar2(50)Generated identifier of the data change event.
TableName18.5.0Varchar2(30)Name of the table that had a change.
E_DCID18.5.0Number(11,0)DCID of the record that changed (logical key).
E_ID18.5.0Number(11,0)ID of record that changed (logical key).
E_StudentID18.5.0Number(11,0)ID of the student associated with record that changed (logical key).
E_SchoolID18.5.0Number(11,0)ID of the schools record associated with record that changed (logical key).
E_SectionID18.5.0Number(11,0)ID of the section associated with record that changed (logical key).
E_DateEnrolled18.5.0DateDate the student enrolled in the section (logical key).
E_SpEnrollmentsDCID18.5.0Number(11,0)DCID of the Special Programs enrollment that changed (logical key).
E_Course_Number18.5.0Varchar2(11)Course number associated with the record that changed. (logical key).
E_Track19.3.0Varchar2(20)Track (logical key).
E_SSN18.5.0Varchar2(12)SSN (logical key).
E_StudentPIN18.5.0Varchar2(9)Student Pin (logical key).
E_State_StudentNumber18.5.0Varchar2(32)State Student Number (logical key).
O_DateEnrolled18.5.0DateOld date the student enrolled in the section.
O_DateLeft18.5.0DateOld date the student left the section.
O_VocOutsideIEP19.3.0Varchar2(25)Old Vocational Outside IEP indicator.
O_SchoolYear18.5.0Varchar2(10)Old Vocational Outside IEP school year.
N_DateEnrolled18.5.0DateNew date the student enrolled in the section.
N_DateLeft18.5.0DateNew date the student left the section.
N_VocOutsideIEP19.3.0Varchar2(25)New Vocational Outside IEP indicator.
N_SchoolYear18.5.0Varchar2(10)New Vocational Outside IEP school year.
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