S_SC_STU_X (ver 14.7.2)
This table is an extension of the Students table.
Column Name | Version | Data Type | Description |
StudentsDCID | 14.7.2 | Number(10,0) | A foreign key that relates the extended table to the [Students] table. |
AdultEd_GradDate | 17.7.0 | Date | Adult Education Graduation Date. |
Advisor | 15.7.3 | Varchar2(35) | The student's advisor. |
AED_Completion_Date | 17.8.0 | Date | Date student completed AED training. |
AED_OptOut_Date | 17.8.0 | Date | Date student opted out of AED training. |
AltAssessCde | 14.7.2 | Varchar2(1) | Alternate Assessment Indicator. |
AltAssessException | 14.7.2 | Varchar2(1) | Alternate Assessment Exception Indicator. |
AltAssessTA_Firstname | 14.7.2 | Varchar2(25) | First name of the Test Administrator. |
AltAssessTA_Lastname | 14.7.2 | Varchar2(35) | Last name of the Test Administrator. |
AP_Participant_Nbr | 16.7.2 | Varchar2(8) | The AP Participant Number |
AwardEarnCode | 15.7.3 | Varchar2(1) | Choose the code identifying the award received by this student. Migrated from [Students.SC_AwardEarnCode]. |
AwardOrdCode | 15.7.3 | Varchar2(1) | Choose the award ordered for this student. Migrated from [Students.SC_AwardOrdCode]. |
BusInfo1 | 15.7.3 | Varchar2(30) | Enter the bus number for the student’s primary bus number. Migrated from [Students.SC_BusInfo1]. |
BusInfo2 | 15.7.3 | Varchar2(30) | Enter the bus number for a second bus if the student rides more than one bus. Migrated from [Students.SC_BusInfo2]. |
CEIS_Ind | 17.9.0 | Number(1,0) | CEIS indicator. |
CompHealthEdCode | 15.7.3 | Varchar2(2) | Choose the code identifying what the student’s current status is for completing health education requirements.MIgrated from [Students.SC_CompHealthEdCode]. |
County | 15.7.3 | Varchar2(2) | The South Carolina County where the student resides. Migrated from [Students.SC_County]. |
CPR_Completion_Date | 17.8.0 | Date | Date student completed CPR training. |
CPR_OptOut_Date | 17.8.0 | Date | Date student opted out of CPR training. |
CR_Accommodations | | Varchar2(2) | Career Readiness Accommodations |
CR_Grade12 | | Boolean | Career Readiness Grade 12 |
CR_Paper | | Boolean | Career Readiness Paper |
CRDC_Ungraded_YN | 14.11.0 | Varchar2(1) | Level of education for the ungraded student (elementary, middle, or high). |
CustomELACde | 14.7.2 | Varchar2(2) | This indicates that custom ELA materials are required by this student. |
CustomLEPListen | 14.7.2 | Varchar2(1) | This indicates that custom LEP listening materials are required by this student. |
CustomLEPRead | 14.7.2 | Varchar2(1) | This indicates that custom LEP reading materials are required by this student. |
CustomLEPSpeak | 14.7.2 | Varchar2(1) | This indicates that custom LEP speaking materials are required by this student. |
CustomLEPWrit | 14.7.2 | Varchar2(1) | This indicates that custom LEP writing materials are required by this student. |
CustomMathCde | 14.7.2 | Varchar2(2) | The custom math materials that are required by this student. |
CustomSciCde | 14.7.2 | Varchar2(2) | The custom science materials that are required by this student. |
CustomSocStuCde | 14.7.2 | Varchar2(2) | The custom social studies materials that are required by this student. |
CustomWritingCde | 14.7.2 | Varchar2(1) | The custom writing materials that are required by this student. |
DeafBlindInd | 14.7.2 | Varchar2(1) | Indicates if the student is deaf and/or blind. |
DIAL_CONC_SubScaleNum | 14.7.2 | Varchar2(11) | Number score for DIAL_CONC_SubScale. |
DIAL_CONC_SubScalePer | 14.7.2 | Varchar2(11) | Percent score for DIAL_CONC_SubScale. |
DIAL_LANG_SubScaleNum | 14.7.2 | Varchar2(11) | Number score for DIAL_LANG_SubScale. |
DIAL_LANG_SubScalePer | 14.7.2 | Varchar2(11) | Percent score for DIAL_LANG_SubScale. |
DIAL_MOTR_SubScaleNum | 14.7.2 | Varchar2(11) | Number score for DIAL_MOTR_SubScale. |
DIAL_MOTR_SubScalePer | 14.7.2 | Varchar2(11) | Percent score for DIAL_MOTR_SubScale. |
DIAL_SELF_SubScaleNum | 14.7.2 | Varchar2(11) | Number score for DIAL_SELF_SubScale. |
DIAL_SELF_SubScalePer | 14.7.2 | Varchar2(11) | Percent score for DIAL_SELF_SubScale. |
DIAL_SEMOT_SubScaleNum | 14.7.2 | Varchar2(11) | Number score for DIAL_SEMOT_SubScale. |
DIAL_SEMOT_SubScalePer | 14.7.2 | Varchar2(11) | Percent score for DIAL_SEMOT_SubScale. |
DIAL_Test_Date | 14.7.2 | Date | The date the DIAL Assessment was taken. |
Diploma_Type | 15.7.3 | Varchar2(1) | The student's diploma type to be used for the transcript. Migrated from [Students.SC_Diploma_Type]. |
DiplomaEarnCode | 15.7.3 | Varchar2(1) | The type of diploma this student earned. Migrated from [Students.SC_DiplomaEarnCode]. |
DiplomaOrdCode | 15.7.3 | Varchar2(1) | The type of diploma ordered for this student. Migrated from [Students.SC_DiplomaOrdCode]. |
DiplomaOrdID | 15.7.3 | Varchar2(2) | The related diploma order number. Migrated from [Students.SC_DiplomaOrdID]. |
Diploma_Seals | | Varchar2(25) | The student's Seals of Distinction. |
Dropout_Date | 15.7.3 | Date | The date the student was considered a dropout if applicable. Migrated from [Students.SC_Dropout_Date]. |
Dropout_Reason | 15.7.3 | Varchar2(2) | The reason the student is considered a dropout. Migrated from [Students.SC_Dropout_Reason]. |
ELASessionsOralAdmin | 17.7.0 | Varchar2(2) | ELA Session(s) with Oral/Signed Admin. |
ELASortID | 14.7.2 | Varchar2(9) | ELA sort ID for this student. |
ELDAOnline_Listening | 14.7.2 | Varchar2(1) | Indicates the LEP administration for listening will be online. |
ELDAOnline_Reading | 14.7.2 | Varchar2(1) | Indicates the LEP administration for reading will be online. |
ELDAOnline_Speaking | 14.7.2 | Varchar2(1) | Indicates the LEP administration for speaking will be online. |
ELDAOnline_Writing | 14.7.2 | Varchar2(1) | Indicates the LEP administration for writing will be online. |
Elig504_NoPlanInd | 17.7.0 | Number(1,0) | Indicates if the student is 504 Eligible Without a Plan. |
ELP_Paper | | Number(1,0) | |
Engl_Prof | 15.7.3 | Varchar2(6) | The student's English Proficiency. Migrated from [Students.SC_Engl_Prof]. |
EOCEPOnlineAlg | 14.7.2 | Varchar2(1) | Indicates the EOCEP administration for Algebra will be online. |
EOCEPOnlineBio | 14.7.2 | Varchar2(1) | Indicates the EOCEP administration for Biology will be online. |
EOCEPOnlineEng | 14.7.2 | Varchar2(1) | Indicates the EOCEP administration for English will be online. |
EOCEPOnlineUSHC | 14.7.2 | Varchar2(1) | Indicates the EOCEP administration for USHC will be online. |
EOCEPPaperEla | 17.7.0 | Number(1,0) | Middle/High EOCEP Paper - English. |
EOCEPPaperMath | 17.7.0 | Number(1,0) | Middle/High EOCEP Paper - Algebra. |
EOCEPPaperScience | 17.7.0 | Number(1,0) | Middle/High EOCEP Paper - Biology. |
EOCEPPaperSocStu | 17.7.0 | Number(1,0) | Middle/High EOCEP Paper - USHC. |
First_Lang_Spoken | 15.7.3 | Varchar2(3) | The student's first spoken language. Migrated from [Students.SC_First_Lang_Spoken]. |
Foster_Home | 15.7.3 | Varchar2(1) | Indicates if the student resides in a foster home. Migrated from [Students.SC_Foster_Home]. |
G38PaperEla | 17.7.0 | Number(1,0) | Elem/Middle Paper - ELA. |
G38PaperMath | 17.7.0 | Number(1,0) | Elem/Middle Paper - Math. |
G38PaperScience | 17.7.0 | Number(1,0) | Elem/Middle Paper - Science. |
G38PaperSocStu | 17.7.0 | Number(1,0) | Elem/Middle Paper - Social Studies. |
GradDate | 15.7.3 | Date | The student's date of graduation. Migrated from [Students.SC_GradDate]. |
GradExpress | 14.7.2 | Varchar2(1) | Indicates the HSAP Graduation Express is required. |
GridCode | 15.7.3 | Varchar2(19) | The student's grid code. Migrated from [Students.SC_GridCode]. |
GT_Qualified | 15.7.3 | Varchar2(1) | Indicates if the student qualifies for the gifted and talented program. Migrated from [Students.SC_GT_Qualified]. |
Homelang | 15.7.3 | Varchar2(3) | The student's home language. Migrated from [Students.SC_HomeLang]. |
HSAPMaterialsCde | 14.7.2 | Varchar2(1) | HSAP materials required for this student. |
HSAPOnline_ELA | 14.7.2 | Varchar2(1) | Indicates the HSAP administration for ELA will be online. |
HSAPOnline_Math | 14.7.2 | Varchar2(1) | Indicates the HSAP administration for math will be online. |
IB_Candidate_Nbr | 16.7.2 | Varchar2(6) | The IB Candidate Number |
IncludeInReporting | 15.9.0 | Varchar2(1) | Indicates if the student is included in state reporting. If the selection is No, the value is 1. Blank indicates the student is included. Migrated from [Students.SC_IncludeInReporting]. |
Init_TestDate | 18.4.0 | Date | Date of the initial test. |
Init_TestScore | 18.4.0 | Varchar2(2) | Score on the initial test. Field length increased from one character to two characters in version |
Init_TestType | 18.4.0 | Varchar2(4) | Type of test. |
InstrSetting | 15.7.3 | Varchar2(3) | The instructional setting for the student. Migrated from [Students.SC_InstrSetting]. |
KndrgrtnPrevPgm | 14.7.2 | Varchar2(3) | Indicates the program the student attended before kindergarten. |
LEPAltAssess | 14.7.2 | Varchar2(1) | Indicates a student requires an LEP alternate assessment. |
MathSortID | 14.7.2 | Varchar2(9) | Math sort ID for this student. |
Mckinney_Vento_Serv | 15.7.3 | Varchar2(1) | Indicates if the student is served by the McKinney Vento Act. Migrated from [Students.SC_McKinney_Vento_Serv]. |
Medicaid_Consent_Date | 16.3.0 | Date | Enter the date the consent was given for Medicaid eligibility. |
MedicaidEligible_Date | 17.7.0 | Date | The date for student's Medicaid Eligibility. |
MedicaidID | 15.7.3 | Varchar2(12) | The student's Medicaid number.Migrated from [Students.SC_MedicaidID]. |
Migrant | 15.7.3 | Varchar2(1) | Indicates if the student qualifies as a migrant student. Migrated from [Students.SC_Migrant]. |
MOGEDEarned | 15.7.3 | Varchar2(2) | The month that the student earned their GED. Migrated from [Students.SC_MOGEDEarned]. |
Moved_To_District | 15.7.3 | Varchar2(4) | The district that the student moved to. Migrated from [Students.SC_Moved_To_District]. |
Moved_To_School | 15.7.3 | Varchar2(7) | The school that the student moved to in the new district. Migrated from [Students.SC_Moved_To_School]. |
MultiDisabInd | 14.7.2 | Varchar2(1) | Indicates if the student has multiple disabilities. |
NeedsBrailleInd | 17.7.0 | Number(1,0) | Indicator for Braille accommodations. |
NickName | 15.7.3 | Varchar2(20) | The student's nickname. Migrated from [Students.SC_NickName]. |
Night_Residence | 15.7.3 | Varchar2(1) | Code that identifies the Primary Night Time Residence for the student. Migrated from [Students.SC_Night_Residence]. |
NinthGradeCode | 15.7.3 | Varchar2(2) | The year that the student completed the ninth grade for the first time. Migrated from [Students.SC_NinthGradeCode]. |
NoShow_Reason | 15.7.3 | Varchar2(3) | The reason the student was coded as a no-show. Migrated from [Students.SC_NoShow_Reason]. |
Oral_Commun_Lang | 15.7.3 | Varchar2(3) | Identifies the Oral Communication Language for the student's family. |
OralELA | 14.7.2 | Varchar2(4) | Type of oral administration for ELA. Field length increased to four characters in version18.7.0. |
OralLEPWrit | 14.7.2 | Varchar2(1) | Type of oral administration for LEP writing. |
OralMath | 14.7.2 | Varchar2(2) | Type of oral administration for math. |
OralScience | 14.7.2 | Varchar2(2) | Type of oral administration for science. |
OralSocStudies | 14.7.2 | Varchar2(2) | Type of oral administration for social studies. |
OralWriting | 14.7.2 | Varchar2(1) | Type of oral administration for writing. |
Other_AltAssessTest_SchoolId | 16.7.2 | Varchar2(7) | Identifies the School where the Alternate Assessment was taken |
OtherName | 15.7.3 | Varchar2(30) | The student's alias. Migrated from [Students.SC_OtherName]. |
ParentsMilitaryStatus | 15.7.3 | Varchar2(2) | The student's parent's military status. Migrated from [Students.SC_ParentsMilitaryStatus]. |
PASSOnlineELA | 14.7.2 | Varchar2(1) | This indicates that the SCPASS administration for ELA will be online. |
PASSOnlineMath | 14.7.2 | Varchar2(1) | This indicates that the SCPASS administration for math will be online. |
PASSOnlineScience | 14.7.2 | Varchar2(1) | This indicates that the SCPASS administration for science will be online. |
PASSOnlineSocStudies | 14.7.2 | Varchar2(1) | This indicates that the SCPASS administration for social studies will be online. |
PASSOnlineWriting | 14.7.2 | Varchar2(1) | This indicates that the SCPASS administration for writing will be online. |
PECompCode | 15.7.3 | Varchar2(2) | Code identifying the student's current status in completing physical education requirements. Migrated from [Students.SC_PECompCode]. |
Plan504Code | 15.7.3 | Varchar2(3) | Code identifying the 504 Plan in which the student participates. Migrated from [Students.SC_Plan504Code]. |
Precode1 | 15.7.3 | Varchar2(10) | Field requested by the SCDE. |
Precode2 | 15.7.3 | Varchar2(10) | Field requested by the SCDE. |
Precode3 | 16.7.2 | Varchar2(10) | Field requested by the SCDE. |
Precode4 | 16.7.2 | Varchar2(10) | Field requested by the SCDE. |
Precode5 | 17.7.0 | Varchar2(10) | Precode 5. |
Precode6 | 17.7.0 | Varchar2(10) | Precode 6. |
Precode7 | 17.7.0 | Varchar2(10) | Precode 7. |
Precode8 | 17.7.0 | Varchar2(10) | Precode 8. |
Readiness_Score1_4K | 14.7.2 | Varchar2(11) | The readiness score for grade 4K for the first administration. |
Readiness_Score1_5K | 14.7.2 | Varchar2(11) | The readiness score for grade 5K for the first administration. |
Readiness_Score2_4K | 14.7.2 | Varchar2(11) | The readiness score for grade 4K for the second administration. |
Readiness_Score2_5K | 14.7.2 | Varchar2(11) | The readiness score for grade 5K for the second administration. |
Readiness_TestDate1_4K | 14.7.2 | Date | The readiness date for grade 4K for the first administration. |
Readiness_TestDate1_5K | 14.7.2 | Date | The readiness date for grade 5K for the first administration. |
Readiness_TestDate2_4K | 14.7.2 | Date | The readiness date for grade 4K for the second administration |
Readiness_TestDate2_5K | 14.7.2 | Date | The readiness date for grade 5K for the second administration |
ReqExclusion | 14.7.2 | Varchar2(1) | Indicates the Request Exclusion Indicator. |
RetainReasonCode | 15.7.3 | Varchar2(2) | The reason the student was retained. Migrated from [Students.SC_RetainReasonCode]. |
ScholarshipOrdCode | 15.7.3 | Varchar2(1) | The code identifying the scholarship ordered for this student. Migrated from [Students.SC_ScholarshipOrdCode]. |
SchoolRes | 15.7.3 | Varchar2(19) | The school number for the student's school of residence. Migrated from [Students.SC_SchoolRes]. |
ScienceSortID | 14.7.2 | Varchar2(9) | Science sort ID for this student. |
SEI_Create_Date | 18.7.0 | Date | The date identified as the (SEI) PowerSchool import file creation date. |
SEI_Status | 18.7.0 | Number(1,0) | Indicates whether the student met the criteria for being identified as economically disadvantaged. |
SelfContained | 15.8.0 | Number(1,0) | A checkbox that now indicates if the student is enrolled in self-contained classes. |
SocStudiesSortID | 14.7.2 | Varchar2(9) | Social Studies sort ID for this student. |
Student_BirthCntry | 15.7.3 | Varchar2(5) | The country where the student was born. Migrated from [Students.SC_Student_BirthCntry]. |
Student_BirthPlace | 15.7.3 | Varchar2(30) | The birthplace of the student. Migrated from [Students.SC_Student_BirthPlace]. |
StudentGeneration | 15.7.3 | Varchar2(3) | The generation code for the student if applicable. Migrated from [Students.SC_StudentGeneration]. |
StudentNotTested_LEP | 14.7.2 | Number(1,0) | This indicates the student was not tested for the LEP assessments. |
StudentNotTested_Reason_LEP | 14.7.2 | Varchar2(3) | This indicates the student missed the LEP assessments. |
StuNotTested | 14.7.2 | Number(1,0) | This indicates the student was not tested. |
StuNotTestedReason | 14.7.2 | Varchar2(3) | This indicates the reason that the student missed the test. |
TestMissed | 14.7.2 | Varchar2(1) | Indicates the test that the student missed. |
Tier | | Varchar2(3) | |
Title1AsstTypeCode | 15.7.3 | Varchar2(1) | Choose Targeted Assistance if the student receives targeted Title I assistance. Migrated from [Students.SC_Title1AsstTypeCode]. |
Title1MathInd | 15.7.3 | Varchar2(1) | Choose Yes if the student received Title I Math assistance. Migrated from [Students.SC_Title1MathInd]. |
Title1ReadInd | 15.7.3 | Varchar2(1) | Choose Yes if the student received Title I Reading assistance. Migrated from [Students.SC_Title1ReadInd]. |
Trans_AM_Comment | 16.3.0 | Varchar2(400) | Comments for the transportation mode in the morning for the student. |
Trans_Mode_AM | 15.7.3 | Varchar2(1) | The student's type of transportation needed in the morning. Migrated from [Students.SC_Trans_Needed]. |
Trans_Mode_PM | 15.7.3 | Varchar2(1) | The student's type of transportation needed in the afternoon. |
Trans_PM_Comment | 16.3.0 | Varchar2(400) | Comments for the transportation mode in the afternoon for the student. |
TrueGrade | 15.7.3 | Varchar2(2) | The student's true grade level. Migrated from [Students.SC_TrueGrade]. |
Unaccomp_Youth | 15.7.3 | Varchar2(1) | Indicates if the student is an unaccompanied youth. Migrated from [Students.SC_Unaccomp_Youth]. |
Universal_Screener | 19.12.1 | Varchar2(1) | Indicates the student's universal screener status. |
USSchEntryDate | 15.7.3 | Date | The date when the student first entered a US school. Migrated from [Students.SC_USSchEntryDate]. |
Waiver_Ind | 18.9.0 | Boolean | Indicates if the student is a waiver student. |
WritingSortID | 14.7.2 | Varchar2(9) | Writing sort ID for this student. |
Written_Commun_Lang | 15.7.3 | Varchar2(3) | Written communication language for the student's family. |
YRGEDEarned | 15.7.3 | Varchar2(4) | The year that the student earned their GED. Migrated from [Students.SC_YRGEDEarned]. |
GT_Paper | SR_21.7.2.0 | Varchar2(1) | Gifted and Talented Program Paper |
ARP_HCY | proj210824 | Varchar2(1) | Served by ARP-HCY |
Emp_Credential_Earned | proj220927 | Boolean | Employability Credential Earned |
Emp_Credential_Date | proj220927 | Date | Employability Credential Date |