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S_SC_STU_MED_IMM_X (ver 17.3.0)

This table is an extension of the Students table.

Column Name


Data Type


DPT17.3.0Varchar2(13)Status of DPT.
DTP117.3.0DateDate for DPT dose 1.
DTP217.3.0DateDate for DPT dose 2.
DTP317.3.0DateDate for DPT dose 3.
DTP417.3.0DateDate for DPT dose 4.
DTP517.3.0DateDate for DPT dose 5.
DTTD117.3.0DateDate for Td Tetanus Diphtheria dose 1.
DTTD217.3.0DateDate for Td Tetanus Diphtheria dose 2.
DTTD317.3.0DateDate for Td Tetanus Diphtheria dose 3.
DTTD417.3.0DateDate for Td Tetanus Diphtheria dose 4.
DTTD517.3.0DateDate for Td Tetanus Diphtheria dose 5.
EYE_DATA17.3.0Varchar2(72)Information about the student's eye exam.
HEARING_DATA17.3.0Varchar2(72)Information about the student's hearing exam.
HEIGHT_DATA17.3.0Varchar2(72)The student's height.
HEPATITIS_A17.3.0Varchar2(8)Status of Hepatitis A.
HEPATITIS_P17.3.0Varchar2(8)Hepatitis B PED Status.
HEPBADULT117.3.0DateHepatitis B Adult dose 1.
HEPBADULT217.3.0DateHepatitis B Adult dose 2.
HEPBPED117.3.0DateHepatitis B PED dose 1.
HEPBPED217.3.0DateHepatitis B PED dose 2.
HEPBPED317.3.0DateHepatitis B PED dose 3.
HEPBPED417.3.0DateHepatitis B PED dose 4.
HEPBPED517.3.0DateHepatitis B PED dose 5.
HIB17.3.0Varchar2(13)Status of HIB.
HIB117.3.0DateHIB dose 1.
HIB217.3.0DateHIB dose 2.
HIB317.3.0DateHIB dose 3.
HIB417.3.0DateHIB dose 4.
HXVAR117.3.0DateVaricella dose 1.
HXVAR217.3.0DateVaricella dose 2.
IMMUNE_STATUS17.3.0Varchar2(13)Student's overall I'mmunization status.
IPV17.3.0Varchar2(13)Status of IPV.
IPV117.3.0DateIPV dose 1.
IPV217.3.0DateIPV dose 2.
IPV317.3.0DateIPV dose 3.
IPV417.3.0DateIPV dose 4.
IPV517.3.0DateIPV dose 5.
MEASLES117.3.0DateMeasles only dose 1.
MEASLES217.3.0DateMeasles only dose 2.
MED_OTHER117.3.0Varchar2(10)Medical Date for other dose 1..
MED_OTHER217.3.0Varchar2(10)Medical Date for other dose 2
MED_OTHER317.3.0Varchar2(10)Medical Date for other dose 3.
MED_OTHER417.3.0Varchar2(10)Medical Date for other dose 4.
MED_OTHER517.3.0Varchar2(10)Medical Date for other dose 5.
MMR17.3.0Varchar2(13)Status of MMR.
MMR117.3.0DateMMR dose 1.
MMR217.3.0DateMMR dose 2.
MMR317.3.0DateMMR dose 3.
MUMPS117.3.0DateMumps only dose 1.
MUMPS217.3.0DateMumps only dose 2.
MUMPS_STATUS17.3.0Varchar2(13)Status of mumps.
OPV17.3.0Varchar2(13)Status of OPV.
OPV117.3.0DateOPV dose 1.
OPV217.3.0DateOPV dose 2.
OPV317.3.0DateOPV dose 3.
OPV417.3.0DateOPV dose 4.
OPV517.3.0DateOPV dose 5.
PNEUMO117.3.0DatePneumococcal dose 1.
PNEUMO217.3.0DatePneumococcal dose 2.
PNEUMO317.3.0DatePneumococcal dose 3..
PNEUMO417.3.0DatePneumococcal dose 4.
PNEUMO517.3.0DatePneumococcal dose 5
PNEUMO617.3.0DatePneumococcal dose 6.
RV17.3.0Varchar2(13)Measles only status.
STUDENTSDCID17.3.0Number(10,0)Primary key.
TD17.3.0Varchar2(13)Status of Td Tetanus Diphtheria.
VAR117.3.0DateDate of first varicella dose.
VAR217.3.0DateDate of second varicella dose.
VARICELLA17.3.0Varchar2(8)Status of varicella disease.
VARICELLA_HX17.3.0Varchar2(8)Status of varicella doses.
WEIGHT_DATA17.3.0Varchar2(72)The student's weight.
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