This table is an extension of the Students table. This table provides Graduation Planning Worksheet Data.
Column Name | VersiOn | Data Type | DescriptiOn |
Country | 16.3.0 | VarChar2(5) | The country that the student is emigrating to. [Migrated from Students.SC_Grad_Country]. |
Data_Entry_Initials | 16.3.0 | VarChar2(10) | The initials of the person putting the student's record into PowerSchool. [Migrated from Students.SC_Grad_DataEntryInitials]. |
Date_Of_Death | 16.3.0 | Date | The date the student was deceased. [Migrated from Students.SC_Grad_Date_Of_Death]. |
Date_Of_Enroll_Request | 16.3.0 | Date | Date of the Enroll Request. [Migrated from Students.SC_Grad_RFR_On_File]. |
Date_Of_RFR | 16.3.0 | Date | Date the request for records was made to the sending school. [Migrated from Students.SC_Grade_Date_of_RFR]. |
Date_RFR_Received | 16.3.0 | Date | Date that the request for records is received. [Migrated from Students.SC_Grad_Date_RFR_Received]. |
Deceased_Letter_On_File | 16.3.0 | VarChar2(1) | Indicates if a letter is on file on school letterhead confirming the death of the student. [Migrated from Students.SC_Grad_Deceased_Student_Letter_On_File]. |
Deceased_Student_Comments | 16.3.0 | VarChar2(4000) | Any additional information on the deceased. [Migrated from Students.SC_Grad_Deceased_Student_Comments]. |
Emigration_Info_Source | 16.3.0 | VarChar2(1) | Indicated the source of information about the transfer out and emigration. [Migrated from Students.SC_Grad_Emigration_Info_Source]. |
Grad_Rate_Status_Comments | 16.3.0 | VarChar2(4000) | Comments about the student's graduation rate status. [Migrated from Students.SC_Grad_Graduation_Rate_Status_Comments]. |
OnTime_Year | 16.3.0 | VarChar2(11) | The year of the student's on-time graduation. [Migrated from Students.SC_Grad_Ontime_Grad_Year]. |
Parent_Contact_Date | 16.3.0 | Date | Indicates the date that the parent was contacted about the emigration. [Migrated from Students.SC_Grad_Parent_Contact_Date]. |
Parent_Contact_Letter_On_File | 16.3.0 | VarChar2(1) | Indicates if a letter is on file confirming that the contract was made with the parent. [Migrated from Students.SC_Grad_Parent_Contact_Letter_On_File]. |
Program_Type_On_RFR | 16.3.0 | VarChar2(1) | Indicates the program type that is on the request for record. [Migrated from Students.SC_Grad_Program_Type_On_RFR]. |
Retain_Letter_On_File | 16.3.0 | VarChar2(1) | Indicates if a letter is on file confirming that the student was retained. [Migrated from Students.SC_Grad_Retain_Letter_On_File]. |
RFR_On_File | 16.3.0 | VarChar2(1) | Indicates if the request for transfer is on file. [Migrated from Students.SC_Grad_RFR_On_File]. |
RFR_Received | 16.3.0 | VarChar2(1) | Indicates if the request for records has been received. [Migrated from Students.SC_Grad_RFR_Received]. |
RFR_Schl_Offer_Both_ProgTypes | 16.3.0 | VarChar2(1) | Indicates if the school the student is transferring to offers both diploma and non-diploma program types. [Migrated from Students.SC_Grad_RFR_School_Offers_Both_Program_Types]. |
RFR_School | 16.3.0 | VarChar2(100) | The name of the school that the student transferred to. [Migrated from Students.SC_Grad_RFR_School]. |
RFR_School_Location | 16.3.0 | VarChar2(1) | Indicates if the student is transferring to an in-state school or not. [Migrated from Students.SC_Grad_RFRSchool_Location]. |
RFR_School_Type | 16.3.0 | VarChar2(1) | The type of school that the student is transferring to. [Migrated from Students.SC_Grad_RFR_School_Type]. |
RFR_Shows_Diploma_Type | 16.3.0 | VarChar2(1) | Indicates if a request for records displays the Diploma Program Type. [Migrated from Students.SC_Grad_RFR_Shows_Diploma_Type]. |
StudentSDCID | 16.3.0 | Number(10,0) | Foreign Key |
Student_In_Denominator | 16.3.0 | VarChar2(1) | Indicates if the student is counted in the denominator in calculating the graduation rate status. [Migrated from Students.SC_Grad_Student_Should_Be_In_Denominator]. |
Student_In_Numerator | 16.3.0 | VarChar2(1) | Indicates if the student is counted in the numerator in calculating the graduation rate status. [Migrated from Students.SC_Grad_Student_Should_Be_In_Numerator]. |
Transcript_On_File | 16.3.0 | VarChar2(1) | Indicates if the transcript is on file. [Migrated from Students.SC_Grad_Transcript_On_File]. |
Transfer_In_Comments | 16.3.0 | VarChar2(4000) | Comments appropriate for the request for records and/or the transcript. [Migrated from Students.SC_Grad_Transfer_In_Comments]. |
Transfer_Out_Comments | 16.3.0 | VarChar2(4000) | Comments appropriate for the student's transfer or withdrawal documentation. [Migrated from Students.SC_Grad_Transfer_Out_Comments]. |
Transfer_Out_Type | 16.3.0 | VarChar2(2) | Select one of the options that describe the transfer out or withdrawal type. [Migrated from Students.SC_Grad_Transfer_Out_Type]. |
Transfer_RFR_On_File | 16.3.0 | VarChar2(1) | Indicates if the request is on file. [Migrated from Students.SC_Xfer_RFR_On_File]. |