S_SC_STU_DC_IEP_C (ver 17.12.0)
This table is a child table of the Students table.
Column Name | Version | Data Type | Description |
ID | 17.12.0 | Number(10,0) | Primary key. |
StudentsDCID | 17.12.0 | Number(10,0) | A foreign key that relates the extended table to the [Students] table. |
Early_Service_Plan | 17.12.0 | Varchar2(1) | Special Education Services provided in home where the child is ages 0-3. Values: Blank (default), Y=Yes, N=No |
Enrich_SISID | 19.1.0 | Varchar(150) | |
Enrich_StudentID | 19.1.0 | Varchar(50) | Updated data type with |
Enrich_StudentNumber | 19.1.0 | Varchar(60) | |
Enrich_SUNS | 19.1.0 | Varchar(20) | |
Exists_in_Enrich | 19.1.0 | Varchar(1) | |
Home_OrgUnit | 17.12.0 | Varchar(10) | District code where student would normally attend based on residence. |
Home_School | 17.12.0 | Varchar(10) | School code where student would normally attend based on residence. |
IEP_EligDetermination_Date | 17.12.0 | Datetime | Date when student was last determined to be eligible for special education services. |
IEP_InitialConsent_ServiceDate | 17.12.0 | Datetime | Date the district received consent from a guardian for services. |
IEP_InitialEligibility_Date | 17.12.0 | Datetime | Date when student was first initially determined to be eligible for special education services. |
IEP_Placement_Type | 17.12.0 | Varchar(50) | Ages 3-5 or 6-21 |
IEP_PlacementOption_Code | 17.12.0 | Varchar(100) | LRE_ Placement code used in state reporting. |
IEP_PlacementOptions | 17.12.0 | Varchar(500) | LRE Placement Options used in state reporting. |
IEPDisability_1 | 17.12.0 | Varchar(100) | The primary disability. |
IEPDisability_2 | 17.12.0 | Varchar(100) | Secondary disability. |
IEPDisability_3 | 17.12.0 | Varchar(100) | Secondary disability. |
IEPDisability_4 | 17.12.0 | Varchar(100) | Secondary disability. |
IEPDisability_5 | 17.12.0 | Varchar(100) | Secondary disability. |
IEPDisability_6 | 17.12.0 | Varchar(100) | Secondary disability. |
IEPDisability_7 | 17.12.0 | Varchar(100) | Secondary disability. |
IEPDisability_8 | 17.12.0 | Varchar(100) | Secondary disability. |
IEPDisability_9 | 17.12.0 | Varchar(100) | Secondary disability. |
PrgInvolvement _Status | 17.12.0 | Varchar2(1) | Blank (default), Y=Yes, N=No |
PrgInvolvement_EndDate | 17.12.0 | Datetime | Special Education program exit date. |
PrgItem_EndDate | 17.12.0 | Datetime | IEP End Date. |
PrgItem_StartDate | 17.12.0 | Datetime | IEP Start Date. |
PrgStatus_Name | 17.12.0 | Varchar(100) | Literal label for the End Status Codes (Reasons for Ending Special Education). |
PrgStatus_StateCode | 17.12.0 | Varchar(20) | Status code tied to the literal label. |
Service_OrgUnit | 17.12.0 | Varchar(10) | District Code where student receives services. |
Service_School | 17.12.0 | Varchar(10) | School code where student receives services. |
Transportation_Service_Plan | 17.12.0 | Varchar2(1) | Blank (default), Y=Yes, N=No |
YearID | 17.12.0 | Number(10,0) | The term year ID. |