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This is a child table of the Students table.

Column Name


Data Type


ID17.4.0Number(10,0)Primary key
StudentID17.4.0Number(10,0)The internal student ID included for state reporting needs.
Chronic_Absence_Flag17.4.0Varchar2(1)A Y/N flag for chronic absenteeism.
Date_Updated17.4.0DateThe date the table was last updated.
Excused_Days_Absent17.4.0Number(10,0)The total of Attendance table days_Absent = Unexcused.
History_Record17.4.0Varchar2(1)Flag (Y/N)
Membership_Days17.4.0Number(10,0)The number of membership attendance days.
OSS_Days_Absent17.4.0Number(10,0)The total of Attendance table days_Absent = OSS.
SchoolID17.4.0Number(10,0)The school ID.
StudentsDCID17.4.0Number(10,0)The foreign key that links this record to the Students table.
Unexcused_Days_Absent17.4.0Number(10,0)The total of Attendance table days_Absent = Unexcused.
YearID17.4.0Number(10,0)The school year.

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