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S_RI_STU_X (ver 14.8.0)

This table is an extension of the [Students] table:

Column Name


Data Type





Primary Key.

ActiveDutyParent17.7.0VarChar2(1)Indicates if the student has an active duty parent/guardian in the armed forces.
Alt_Assessment_Status18.9.0VarChar2(1)Indicates if the student takes the alternate assessment as defined in the student’s IEP.
Cell_Phone17.1.0VarChar2(30)Student Cell Phone.
CTE_Program_Participant17.12.0Number(1,0)Indicates if the student is participating in a CTE program.
DispHomemaker14.9.3Number(1,0)Indicates if the student is identified as a displaced homemaker.
Email17.1.0VarChar2(100)E-mail of the student.
Enrollment_Type17.1.0VarChar2(5)Indicates the student's enrollment type.
First_Year_Grade_917.1.0Number(10,0)The year the student first enrolled in 9th grade.
Home_Language17.1.0VarChar2(8)Student's language spoken at home.
Homeless17.1.0VarChar2(5)Indicates the homeless status of the student.
Home_School20.8.2.0VarChar2(10)Indicates student's home school, if Tuitioned Out is set to Y.
IEP_Date14.8.0DateStudent IEP Date.
IEP_Status17.1.0VarChar2(5)IEP Status.
Immigrant17.1.0VarChar2(5)Indicates if the student meets the immigrant criteria.
LEP_Monitoring17.1.0VarChar2(5)LEP Monitoring Status.
LEP_Status17.1.0VarChar2(5)Indicates the LEP status of the student.
Migrant17.1.0VarChar2(5)Indicates the migrant status of the student.
Primary_Contact_Phone17.1.0VarChar2(30)Phone number of the student's primary contact.
Secondary_Contact_Phone17.1.0VarChar2(30)Phone number of the student's secondary contact.
Section_50417.1.0VarChar2(5)Section 504 Status.
SingleParent14.9.3Number(1,0)Indicates if the student is a single parent.
State_Grade_KGPK17.1.0VarChar2(4)Indicates the grade/setting for a preschool or kindergarten student.
State_Suffix_Name17.1.0VarChar2(6)Student's name suffix.
Title_I17.1.0VarChar2(5)Indicates a student's Title I status.
Tuition17.1.0VarChar2(5)Indicates if the student is tuitioned out of district.
Tuition_School17.1.0VarChar2(10)Identifies the school if the student is marked as Tuitioned Out.
Vocational_Ed_Status17.1.0VarChar2(5)Indicates if the student is participating in a vocational education program.
Vocational_School17.1.0VarChar2(10)Identifies the school if the student is marked as a vocational education participant.
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