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Integrated Computer Science Program Code

The available Integrated Computer Science Program Codes for a section.

CodeDescription - CS Fundamentals
CS4RI2102Copernicus - Creative Computing with Scratch Jr.
CS4RI2104PLTW - Launch
CS4RI2201Copernicus - Creative Computing with Scratch
CS4RI2202URI - CS Discoveries
CS4RI2203GameSalad - CS Through Game
CS4RI2205PLTW – Gateway Design Modeling
CS4RI2206PTLW - Gateway Automation and Robotics
CS4RI2207PTLW - Gateway App Creator
CS4RI2208PTLW - Gateway CS for Innovators and Makers
CS4RI2302Bootstrap - Data Science


The available Computer Science for RI Partner Codes for a section.

BOOTSTRAPCS4RI Matrix Partner offering CS course content integrated into existing algebra course.
TEALSCS4RI Matrix Partner offering Intro to CS Programming and AP CS A
URICS4RI Matrix Partner offering Intro to Computing and Data Science
URICODECS4RI Matrix Partner offering AP CS Principles
PLTW-GCS4RI Matrix Partner offering Gateway – Design and Modeling, Automation and Robotics, App Creator, and CS
for Innovators and Makers
PLTW-ECS4RI Matrix Partner offering CS course covering the major topics, big ideas, and computational thinking
practices used by computing professionals to solve problems
PLTW-CSPCS4RI Matrix Partner offering AP Computer Science Principles
PLTW-CSACS4RI Matrix Partner offering AP Computer Science A
OTHEROther CS4RI Partner
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