Infraction Code
Choose the infraction code from the following options for each student display log entry.
Code | Description |
01 | Alcohol |
02 | Arson |
03 | Assault/Battery of Student |
04 | Assault/Battery of Teacher |
05 | Attendance—Cut/Skipped Class |
06 | Attendance—Cut/Skipped Detention |
07 | Attendance—Left School Grounds |
08 | Attendance—Tardy/Late |
09 | Attendance—Truant |
10 | Bomb Threat |
12 | Communication/Electronic Devices |
13 | Controlled Substances—Sale of/Possession with Intent to sell |
15 | Controlled Substances—Possession or Under Influence |
16 | Disorderly Conduct |
18 | Fighting/Physical Altercation |
19 | Fire Regulations Violation |
20 | Forgery |
21 | Gambling |
22 | Gang Activity-Non-violent Incident |
24 | Harassment—Stalking |
25 | Harassment—Sexual |
26 | Harassment-Prejudice/Hate Crimes |
27 | Hazing |
28 | Insubordination/Disrespect |
29 | Kidnapping/Abduction |
30 | Larceny/Theft |
31 | Obscene/Abusive Language toward Student |
32 | Obscene/Abusive Language toward Teacher |
34 | Technology—Unauthorized Use of Computers/Other Tech |
35 | Threat/Intimidation |
36 | Tobacco/Possession or Use |
37 | Trespassing/Restricted Area |
38 | Vandalism |
39 | Weapon Possession |
41 | Cheating/Plagiarism |
42 | Robbery |
43 | Sexual Assault/Battery |
44 | Sexual Misconduct |