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State Reporting Release Notes

A release announcement will be posted on PowerSchool Community when the installer is available for download. Refer to 2023 State Reporting Releases for release dates.



Release Note


New Report: Growth Screening Notification Letter

Growth Screening Notification Letter: Version 1.0

A new report, Growth Screening Notification Letter is created to notify parents/guardians of a student’s BMI Results. The report generates a single page per selected student.


Screener Type Field for Advanced Health Physical Examination Page

A new field, Screener Type is added on the Physical Examination detail page to indicate the type of screener providing the exam as it is a required reporting element for the PA Department of Health SHARRS report. Values for the field are seeded in the Health Code Set, Screener Type.


SHARRS Report: Kindergarten Student Count Incorrect for Some Screenings

School Health Annual Reimbursement Request System (SHARRS) Report: Version 2.1

The report has been updated to include Kindergarten students in screening and display the correct count of students.


Student Calendar Fact Template: Spring 2023 Updates - Exclude Keystone Academy Members

Student Calendar Fact Template Report: Version 2.3

The Student Calendar Fact Template is updated to exclude the student enrollment flagged as a Keystone State Challenge Academy participant.


Student Template: Logic Update for Student Race

Student Template/Snapshot: Version 6.2
The Student Template/Snapshot report has been updated to properly calculate the state race code based on Federal Race and Ethnicity.


Update Special Education Student Field location

The hover text for the Special Education Student field is updated to display S_PA_STU_X.IS_SPED_Student_YN, the migrated field location. The field is located on a Student's Current/Previous Enrollment pages, under the Student Template Fields section.

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