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State Reporting Release Notes

A release announcement will be posted on PowerSchool Community when the installer is available for download. Refer to 2023 State Reporting Releases for release dates.



Release Note


 2023-24 Updates: Course Template - Report Update

Course Template: 1.2 Version

The identified report is updated to meet the new format requirements for the 2023-2024 submission. The template includes a total of 79 columns. Columns 67-78 display as Not Collected. Column 79 has a header of CAMBRIDGE ADVANCED COURSE INDICATOR. Logic for this field is added to extract a value Y if entered, else N must be reported. This field is extracted from S_PA_CRS_X.CAMBRIDGE_ADV_YN.


 2023-24 Updates: Location Fact Template for Safe Schools - Discontinue Aggregate Reporting for Suspension and Expulsion

Location Fact Template for Safe Schools: Version 1.14

The existing template is updated to no longer calculate a value for Category 1 for SUSPENSION and EXPULSION.


2023-24 Updates: Student Course Enrollment Template - Report Update

Student Course Enrollment Template: Version 2.0

The identified report is updated to include a new column, DUAL CREDIT STUDENT TAKE CREDIT, as outlined in the submission requirements for 2023-204. The value is extracted from the student course field, Dual Credit Taken on the student Edit Course page.


2023-24 Updates: Student Local Assessment Subtest for Reporting and Analytics: Additional Columns for Submission

Student Local Assessment Subtest Template for Reporting and Analytics: Version 1.2

The report format is updated to include the correct number of Not Collected columns as outlined in the manual attached.


NCEA Diocese and School Summary PDF Updates

NCEA Diocese Summary: Version 23.10.2

NCEA School Summary: Version 23.10.2

The Diocese and School Summary PDF forms are updated to remove references to specific school years for the principal and teacher retention questions. This is a cosmetic update only with no changes to the report logic.

  • Diocese Information for NCEA Reporting > Principal Retention

    • Number of principals who were employed during the last school year

    • Number of principals who did not return for the current school year

  • School Information for NCEA Reporting > Teacher Retention

    • Number of teachers who were employed during the last school year

    • Number of teachers who did not return for the current school year


Student Calendar Fact Template: Update to Report 'District Code'

Student Calendar Fact Template: Version 2.5

The identified report is updated to include the required column and data for 'District Code' which reports the District AUN.


Update Student Course Enrollment Page to Remove Early Warning System

The EWS section on the Student Course Enrollment page is hidden as the EWS Dashboard system has been discontinued.

Navigation: Start, Student Selection, All Enrollments, Edit

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