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State Reporting Release Notes

A release announcement will be posted on PowerSchool Community when the installer is available for download. Refer to 2022 State Reporting Releases for release dates.



Release Note

PSSR-282157All States/Provinces: Health Info Report - Student Contacts Update

Health Info Report: Version 1.1

The report is now updated to pull the data from Student Contacts.

PSSR-300101All States/Provinces: New - Digital Equity & Learning Preference Search

A new “Digital Equity & Learning Preference Search” link is added to the special functions page and will allow users to search for Digital Equity & Learning Preference records using configurable filters.

PSSR-274766All States/Provinces: Report Works Startup Updates

The config files have been modified and are now only called through the re-initialization cycle. This will improve SRP startup times and avoid previously reported failures.

PSSR-275058All States/Provinces: Sub Teachers Portal Honors the Pref "Prevent Attendance Page Submit If Blank"

When the "Prevent Attendance page submit if blank attendance is used (PowerTeacher)" pref is checked on the Attendance Preferences page on the admin portal, the Sub Teacher is not able to submit attendance if blank attendance is used for Single day attendance and Seating Chart.

PSSR-300294Course Template - RE Update: 2022-23

The Course Template report is updated to meet the new format for the 2022-2023 submission.  Below are the implemented changes:

  • Field 9 ‘Not Collected’ is replaced with ‘Number of Credits'; If required, the value is extracted from the course Credit_Hours field.
  • Fields 64-65 are added as ‘Not Collected’.
  • Field 66 ‘Organization Defining Course’ is added; The value is extracted from the value entered in the PA State Reporting section on the Edit Course Page in field Organization Defining Course [S_PA_CRS_S]Defining_Org_AUN.
PSSR-300295Course Template - RE Update: Page Updates 2022-23

The Edit Courses page is updated to include a new field ‘Organization Defining Course' as per the DOE requirements 2022-23 in the PA State Reporting section.

PSSR-299017Create New Historical Enrollment Update

The Historical Enrollment page is updated to save the numeric value for District of Residence fields so the data values show up on the new Previous Enrollment record page.

PSSR-300755Homeless UI Update: 2022-2023

The student Homeless tab is updated to include new data entry fields and updated data values to support the 2022-2023 submission of this data.  This includes the following fields:

Method of Identification
Unaccompanied Youth
Student Status
AUN of Current_Enrollment
Building Number of Current_Enrollment
Current Grade  Level (override only)
Current Nighttime Residence Status
ARP added as an option for Services
Additional Comments

PSSR-299005PA Secure ID Report: Update to Recognize Local Race Code 'U'

PA Secure ID: Version 1.4

The identified report is updated to display a value of 6 'multi-racial' for students who have been assigned a local race code value of 'U'.

PSSR-299004PA Student Validation Report - RE update

PA Student Validation Report - RE: Version 3.1
The PA Student Validation Report - RE report is updated to recognize the local student race code value of 'U' when printing student race and extracts the value for Legal Gender if populated [StudentCoreFields]LegalGender.

PSSR-300404PIMS 2022-23 UI Updates

The following updates are available for the 2022-23 PIMS reporting requirements:

  • Data elements for field Program Codes at the District Office
  • Data elements for field Act 16 Fund Category display
  • Definition for Field No. 217 District of Enrollment Code
  • Student Template tab is updated to include two new fields:
    • Field 50. BID School Number
    • Field 51. BID AUN
  • The Student Assessment tab is updated to include a new field in the PASA section: Field 226. PASA TESTING AGENCY AUN
PSSR-300297Staff Template Update 2022-23: New Columns Required

Staff Template Version: 3.6

Staff Template report is updated as follows:

  • Fields 96-115: ‘Not Collected’ are added
  • Field 116: ‘Gender Identity' has been added. Value is extracted from the Demographics student page [S_USR_X].Gender_Identity
PSSR-300527Student Template Update 2022-23

Student Template/Snapshot: Version 5.6

The Student Template report has been updated to include three new columns in the report to meet the new requirements for the 2022-2023 PIMS submission.

  • [S_PA_STU_X]BIDSchoolNumber BID School Number [Report field name]
  • [S_PA_STU_X]BID_AUN BID AUN [Report field name]
  • [S_PA_ASSESSMENTS_C]PASATestingAgencyAUN PASA Testing Agency AUN [Report field name]
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