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State Reporting Release Notes

A release announcement will be posted on PowerSchool Community when the installer is available for download. Refer to 2022 State Reporting Releases for release dates.



Release Note

PSSR-282910Incident Management Behavior Subcode Error

An update is made to the Incident Management Load Codes/Subcodes script to allow the Behavior Code ‘All Other Forms of Harassment/Intimidation’ to save without error when added to an incident record. Note: To receive the updated script, the Load Codes/Subcodes script must be run.

PSSR-289984Setup Script to Load SHARRS BMI Codes

A script is added to automatically load the codes needed to identify a student’s BMI percentile category in the Health Module on the Vital Signs/Biometric screening page. The Weight Status field now includes the following options available in a single selection.

• UnderWeight (UWBMI) → Underweight – Less Than 5th Percentile
• Healthy Weight (HWBMI) → Healthy Weight – 5th Percentile to less than 85th Percentile
• OverWeight (OWBMI) → Overweight – 85th to Less than 95th Percentile
• Obese (OBMI) → Obese – Equal To or Greater than 95th Percentile

PSSR-289985SHARRS Report: Calculate Totals for Screenings
  • Question 10 (Vision) is updated to count the number of students in grades K-12 screened for vision. This count is split between public and non-public following the same logic for the referrals.
  • Question 11 (Hearing) is updated to count the number of students in grades K,1,2,3,7,11 screened for hearing. This count is split between public and non-public following the same logic for the referrals.
  • Question 12 (Scoliosis) is updated to count the number of students in grade 6 & 7 screened for scoliosis. Students in grade 6 with a physical exam completed in the date range are included. Students with chronic scoliosis condition (SCOLI) are also included.
  • Question 13 (Growth Screens) is updated to count the number of students screened in grades K-6. This count is also split by public/non-public.
  • Question 14 (Growth Screens 7-12) is updated to count the number of students screened in grades 7-12. This count is split by public/non-public.
  • The report is updated to include item 15 with a header of Total Growth Screens. A box is created for each existing reported category. The value in each box is calculated and represents the total student growth screens from questions 13 and 14.
PSSR-288829Update Student Special Program Tab

The definition for Field 75 is updated to read: Does the student have an outcome goal of competitive integrated employment?
The definition for Field 76 is updated to read: Upon exiting high school, was the student employed in a competitive integrated setting?

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