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State Reporting Release Notes

A release announcement will be posted on PowerSchool Community when the installer is available for download. Refer to 2022 State Reporting Releases for release dates.



Release Note

PSSR-282493All States/Provinces: PowerTeacher Multi-Day Attendance Page "No Blank Attendance" Update for Future Attendance

Multi-Day Attendance page has been updated and will no longer require attendance be entered for future dates for the page to be submitted when "No Blank Attendance" setting is enabled.

PSSR-285382PSSA Subtest Identifier dropdown updates

The below listed values are introduced newly as part of the dropdown field “PSSA Subtest Identifier” available under the below path:

Start Page > School Setup > Courses

Start Page > School Setup > Sections

DescriptionValue to be shown in Parenthesis
PASA English Language Arts Grade 3PASAELA3
PASA English Language Arts Grade 4PASAELA4
PASA English Language Arts Grade 5PASAELA5
PASA English Language Arts Grade 6PASAELA6
PASA English Language Arts Grade 7PASAELA7
PASA English Language Arts Grade 8PASAELA8
PASA English Language Arts Grade 11PASAELA11
PASA Mathematics Grade 3PASAM3
PASA Mathematics Grade 4PASAM4
PASA Mathematics Grade 5PASAM5
PASA Mathematics Grade 6PASAM6
PASA Mathematics Grade 7PASAM7
PASA Mathematics Grade 8PASAM8
PASA Mathematics Grade 11PASAM11
PASA Science Grade 4PASASCI4
PASA Science Grade 8PASASCI8
PASA Science Grade 11PASASCI11
PSSR-282709Remove Warning Message on District Entry/Exit Pages

The warning message “The existing Entry/Exit Code Mapping for State Reporting should remain in place until all your 16-17 submissions for Student Calendar Fact and School Enrollment have been finalized.” is removed from the below paths as it is not applicable for the future school years.

District Setup > Exit Codes

Start Page > District Setup > Entry Codes

PSSR-284204SHARRS Report Update

The count for the “Student Contacts for Acute/Chronic Illness” field is updated to sum the “Office Visit due to Chronic Illness?” and the “Office Visit due to Acute Illness?” field’s value.

PSSR-283862Special Education Snapshot Template Update

Special Education Snapshot Template: Version 2.2
Special Education Snapshot Template is updated to extract the selected SubDistrict number as AUN for a district where Sub-Districts have been enabled and set up.

PSSR-281982 Student Status Field UI updates

The student status drop-down values “B - Court placed (Not in a foster home) - Not valid for 2018-2019” is discontinued in the blow mentioned pages.

Start Page > Enroll New Student
Start Page > Student Selection > Pennsylvania State Information > Student Template
Start Page > Student Selection > Transfer Information > Edit Current Enrollment
Start Page > Student Selection > Transfer Information > Edit Previous Enrollment
Start Page > Student Selection > Functions > Create New School Enrollment
Start Page > Student Selection > Functions > Create New Historical Enrollment
Start Page > Student Selection > Functions > Re-Enroll Student

PSSR-283861Sub-District Reports to Extract SubDistrict Number as AUN - Course Student Template

School Health Annual Reimbursement Request System (SHARRS) Report: Version 1.5

The report is updated to extract the sub-district number in place of the district code if the sub-district is enabled. when ‘District Office’ is selected then the sub-district number will be extracted.

PSSR-283860Sub-District Reports to Extract SubDistrict Number as AUN - Course Instructor Template

Course Instructor Template - RE: Version 3.2

The report is updated to extract the sub-district number as District code if the sub-district is enabled

PSSR-283858Sub-District Reports to Extract SubDistrict Number as AUN - Course Template - RE

Course Template - RE: Version 3.0

The report is updated to extract the sub-district number as district code if the sub-district is enabled.

PSSR-283857Sub-District Reports to Extract SubDistrict Number as AUN - School Enrollment Template

PIMS School Enrollment Template: Version 2.3

The report is updated to extract the sub-district number as district code if the sub-district is enabled.

PSSR-283856Sub-District Reports to Extract SubDistrict Number as AUN - Student Template

Student Template/Snapshot: Version 5.2

The report is updated to extract the sub-district number as the district code if the sub-district is enabled.

PSSR-276759Sub-District Reports to Extract SubDistrict Number as AUN - Student Calendar Fact Template

Student Calendar Fact Template: Version 2.0

The report is updated to extract the sub-district number as the district code if the sub-district is enabled.

PSSR-285029Unable to Assign Co-teachers without Assigning a Primary Teacher

The report validation is updated to not display errors when only one lead teacher is assigned.

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