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State Reporting Release Notes

A release announcement will be posted on PowerSchool Community when the installer is available for download. Refer to 2022 State Reporting Releases for release dates.



Release Note

PSSR-303018Add New Local Assessment Values for Student Fact Template - Local Assessment

Student Local Assessment Subtest Setup is updated to include the following changes:
For Subtest Area -ELA the Subtest Version ID is updated to include AREADING, ERE
For Subtest Area -MATH the Subtest Version ID is updated to include EARLYMATH

PSSR-302618CTE Student Fact Template

CTE Student Fact Template: Version 2.6

Student CTE Template is updated to display 'Not Collected' for headers that would display with ‘Field #'.
Data is not extracted for Field 27, Academic Instruction Code.

PSSR-303941 Homeless - RE Report Issues

Validation is applied for the ‘Region’ report parameter to allow the user only a numeric value maximum of up to two digits.

Report output labels updated to follow the valid format.

PSSR-305144Keystone Class Not Appearing Under 'State Assessments'

The State Assessment tab is updated to display 'Keystone Class'.

PSSR-305347Student Template/Snapshot Report Update

Student Template/Snapshot: Version 5.8

The report is updated to generate only a single line of record for any student and populates the data depending on the selected school year term.

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