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State Reporting Release Notes

A release announcement will be posted on PowerSchool Community when the installer is available for download. Refer to 2022 State Reporting Releases for release dates.



Release Note

PSSR-304550District Fact Template- ELs Template Update 2022-23

District Fact Template for English Learners (ELs): Version 1.4

Several column headings in the template have been renamed:

  • Category 1-> Category 01
  • Category 2 -> Category 02
  • Category 3 -> Category 03
  • Measure Type -> Primary Measure
  • Column 11-17 -> Category 04-10
  • Column 18 -> Category Set Code
  • Column 19 -> Start Date
  • Column 20 -> End Date
  • Column 21 -> Comment

A modification has also been made to how data is retrieved for COMMENT (Column 21)). If CATEGORY 02 (field 4) equals ACT17 and INDICATOR (field 10) equals Y, then the COMMENT value is extracted from [S_PA_LEP_S]EXPLAINATIONACT.

PSSR-292972PA Staff Student Subtest Template Concurrent Percent Incorrect

PA Staff Student Subtest Template: Version 2.4
The PA Staff Student Subtest Template Percentage of Concurrent Enrollment calculation is updated for both Keystone Subtest and PSSA Subtest when dates are provided.

PSSR-304556Title III Prof Dev Act 2022-23 ( UI Update)

The following new fields have been added to the District Fact LIEP Survey, found under District Information:

  • Activity 07 - Supporting the development and implementation of LIEPs
  • Activity 08 - Enhancing existing LIEPs and programs for restructuring and reforming schools with ELs
  • Activity 09 - Supporting implementation of school-wide programs
  • Activity 10 - Professional development to teachers and other personnel serving ELs
  • Activity 11 - Parent and community engagement activities
  • Activity 12 - Supporting the development and implementation of pre-school programs
  • Activity 13 - Improving LIEPs by upgrading curricula, instructional materials, software, and assessment procedures
  • Activity 14 - Improving instruction of ELs with disabilities
  • Activity 15 - Providing tutorials, career, and technical education
  • Activity 16 - Offering programs to help ELs achieve success in post-secondary education
  • Activity 17 - Other

A new text field, Explanation of Professional Development Activities is added below Activity 17 with 300 characters limit. If Activity 17 - Other is entered as Yes, then this new field is visible.

A new section, No Longer Collected Fields is added at the bottom of the page. Title III Professional Development Activities > Activity 01 and Activity 6 have been moved to this section.

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