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State Reporting Release Notes

A release announcement will be posted on PowerSchool Community when the installer is available for download. Refer to 2022 State Reporting Releases for release dates.



Release Note

PSSR-299868School Calendar Records Not Displaying After Creating Records

The School Calendar Records page has been updated to display the new school calendar records.

Navigation: From the Start page, select District Setup, then select the School Calendar Records page

PSSR-300373Special Education Snapshot Template report 2022-23 New Columns updated

Special Education Snapshot Template: Version 2.3

The report has been updated to add five new fields.

Field 53 ‘LEP STATUS (Y/N)’ Field value is Y/N. Field Logic: If [S_PA_STU_X]LEP_ELL_Status_Code is 01 or 06 report Y, or N.
Field 77 ‘Not Collected’
Field 78 ‘Not Collected’
Field 79 ‘Not Collected’
Field 80 ‘RACE/ETHNICITY'. Field Logic is the same as the Student Template. Is Hispanic and Federal Race and Ethnicity is used, then converted to state values.

Race/Ethnicity Valid Values:
I = 1 – American Indian/Alaskan Native (not Hispanic)
B = 3 – Black or African American (not Hispanic)
Is Hispanic flag is set = 4 – Hispanic (any race)
W = 5 – White (not Hispanic)
U or Any combination = 6 – Multi-Racial (not Hispanic)
A = 9 – Asian (not Hispanic)
P = 10 – Native Hawaiian or other Pacific Islander (not Hispanic)

PSSR-300296Student Course Enrollment Template Update 2022-23: New Columns Required

Student Course Enrolment Template: Version 1.6

The report has been updated to add four new fields.

Field 21 ‘Not Collected’
Field 22 ‘Not Collected’
Field 23 ‘Not Collected’
Field 24 ‘Dual Enrolment Course Pass’ [STOREDGRADES.EARNEDCRHRS] - The field reports a value of Y if the student has at least one stored grade record with earned credit value more than zero for the reported record with a matching term, otherwise, report N.

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