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State Reporting Release Notes

A release announcement will be posted on PowerSchool Community when the installer is available for download. Refer to 2021 State Reporting Releases for release dates.



Release Note

PSSR-251616All States/Provinces: Clock In / Clock Out Report Completes Successfully

Clock In / Clock Out Report: Version 1.2

The Clock In/Clock Out Report completes successfully for schools with multiple FTE's.


All States/Provinces: Digital Equity and Learning Preference link is Visible on Public Portal When Disabled

Digital Equity and Learning Preference public portal data entry has been updated and will no longer be visible when the district-level preference has not been enabled.
Additionally, when enabled, the icon in the public portal will display on the left navigation bar as expected.

PSSR-251809CTE Student Fact Template: School Year Selection and PDE408 Validation Mode

CTE Student Fact Template: Version 2.2
The CTE Student Fact Template report is updated to report student CTE data by school year as stored in the new table, S_PA_STU_CTE_C. Students must have an enrollment record that falls within the selected school year.  The report is also updated to include a new parameter for validation mode. When enabled, additional columns display at the end of the output file to report if a PDE408/Other form and date of signature are recorded for the student(s).

PSSR-254518CTE Student Industry Credential - Migrate & Modify Industry Credential Page

The Student CTE Tab is updated to display all student Industry Credentials on a single page. The 'Additional Credentials' page is discontinued. The new display can create/edit records to be stored in the S_PA_STU_IndustryCredentials_C child table and the single record migrated with the Student Industry Credential migration script. Entries previously created without a date display 'blank' for the date column and can be edited with a date value. Validation is enabled for the date field to ensure a date within valid school year selected is entered.

Student Industry Credential Migration Script - A migration script executed at startup to migrate the value in S_PA_STU_CTE_X.Industry_Credential_Code and S_PA_STU_CTE_X.Credential_Earned_Date fields into the student child table S_PA_STU_IndustryCredentials_C.

PSSR-255565Incident Offender Report Update: Add Column for Injury Severity

Incident Offender Template: Version 3.3

Field 17 for the identified report is updated as follows:
1. Header is now Injury Severity Code.
2. Data is now extracted from the incident participant attribute INJURY SEVERITY CODE^ associated with the selected incident.

PSSR-255661Student Fact Template - Keystone Exemption Report

Student Fact Template - Keystone Exemption: Version 1.0
A new report is created in the format outlined by PDE to report students enrolled in Keystone trigger courses during the 2019-2020 school year. Students must have a class enrollment in a course that has a Keystone Identifier selected at either the section or course level to be included. This also determines the value for the Category Set Code column. The Indicator column extracts a Y for all students unless a value of N is stored in the Keystone Indicator field for that student's cc record to indicate they did not pass/complete the class. The Comment column extracts the value stored for Keystone Comment for each subject area on the student's State Assessment tab. The report is located in the Student Domain section of the State Reporting tab.

PSSR-255662Student Fact Template - Keystone Exemption UI

Additional student fields have been added to support the Student Fact Template Keystone Exemption Collection for Spring 2021.

Keystone Indicator - Created to store the value Y/N for 'Indicator' for each student CC record [S_PA_CC_X]KeystoneCompleteInd_YN. The default value is null. The field is located in the PA State Reporting Section of the Edit CC page.

The three fields below store the value FIRST/REPEAT for 'Comment' for each Keystone Subject Area [S_PA_STU_X]. The default value is null. The fields are located on the student State Assessment Tab, under Section 2 (Keystone Exception area):
Keystone Comment Algebra - [S_PA_STU_X]KeystoneComment_ALG
Keystone Comment Biology - [S_PA_STU_X]KeystoneComment_BIO
Keystone Comment Literature- [S_PA_STU_X]KeystoneComment_LIT

PSSR-254374Student Template Snapshot: Mobility Code Descriptions Update

The Mobility Code descriptions located on the Student Template tab are updated per the new DOE requirements and display as follows:
(A) No Show or Drop Out - student was never educated by this LEA in the reporting SY
(B) Summer Transfer - student was never educated by this LEA in the reporting SY
(C) Other - student was never educated by this LEA during the reporting SY

PSSR-242506Special Function: Create Historical Enrollment Record for Selected StudentsA new function, Create New Historical Enrollment, is created under Special Functions > Group Functions to create a historical enrollment record for the selected student(s).  This enrollment is inserted into the ReEnrollments table for the selected student(s) with the information entered and will display on the Transfer Info > Previous Enrollments page.  Edit to enter additional state specific fields that apply for selected enrollment.
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