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State Reporting Release Notes

A release announcement will be posted on PowerSchool Community when the installer is available for download. Refer to 2021 State Reporting Releases for release dates.



Release Note

PSSR-273161All States/Provinces: PowerTeacher Seating Chart Update

The PowerTeacher Portal's Seating Chart page is updated and now honors the "Prevent Attendance page submit if blank attendance is used (PowerTeacher)" setting on the Attendance Preferences page.

PSSR-220162Use New Gifted Indicator for CRDC

CRDC Report (2017-2018): Version 1.3.2

Report now extracts the value for Gifted/Talented as follows:
Extracts '1' when:
GY – Gifted, has GIEP
GS – Gifted, receives gifted services through IEP
GX – Gifted, but does not receive services

Extracts '0' when:
Blank (no value)
N – Not identified as Gifted


Create New Historical Enrollment Page Updates

The below pages are updated to show alternate colors for rows:

  1. Start Page > Special Functions > Group Functions >Create New Historical Enrollment

  2. Start Page > Special Functions > Group Functions >Create New Historical Enrollment > Update from previous enrollment

  3. Start Page > Student Selection > Functions >Create New Historical Enrollment

  4. Start Page > Student Selection > Functions >Create New Historical Enrollment > Update from previous enrollment

PSSR-274500Local Assessments Page Update for Validations

The student Local Assessments page is updated to include validations for the 'Scores" fields.

Rule 1: At least one score must have a value.

Rule 2: Values for score 1 and score 2 must be numeric and a whole number.


Location Fact Detail Report: New Field

Location Fact Detail Report - Safe School Report: Version 2.1

A new column “Age at Truancy“ is added at end of the report output file to display a student’s age based on the associated Truancy Date reported.  Students age 18 or older can be more easily identified to ensure attendance entries are accurately entered once that age has been reached.

PSSR-276060Student Validation Report: Update for Grade 9 Validation

Student Validation Report: Version 2.8

Removed grade 9 entry date is blank validation from grades less than 9.

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