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State Reporting Release Notes

A release announcement will be posted on PowerSchool Community when the installer is available for download. Refer to 2021 State Reporting Releases for release dates.

ReferenceSummaryRelease Note
PSSR-273938Course Template - RE 2021-2022 Updates

Course Template - RE: Version 2.8
The following updates are made to Course Template - RE:
• Column 41 through 62 is not collected
• Column 63 ‘End of Course Exam' field’s logic is updated to first look at the section override field, if blank then look at the course field - keystone indicator

PSSR-274079Incident Management Update 2021-22: Modify Adjudication Code Setup

Updated the Incident Management Adjudication codes by marking PROBATION, CITATION, and FINED with the DO NOT USE tag and added a new code, FOUND/PLED GUILTY.

PSSR-274424PIMS School Enrollment Report

PIMS School Enrollment Report: Version 2.2

Updated the PIMS School Enrollment Report to use the enrollment’s School Building Override as the location when it exists.

PSSR-239826Staff Student Subtest Template: 2020-2021 Requirements for Concurrent Enrollment: Keystone and PSSA

PA Staff Student Subtest Template: Version 2.0

The report is updated to calculate Keystone and PSSA concurrent enrollment percentages correctly.

PSSR-274378Student Page Updates
  • Field - Homebound Instructional Minutes is hidden from the PA state tab.
  • Below fields are moved from the General state fields section to the Student template section:

1. Field 223. District Code of Sending Charter School (Also used in Student Calendar Fact).

2. Field 224. Sending Charter School Code (Also used in Student Calendar Fact).

  • For the District of Enrollment code field, a hyperlink "PA AUN Codes" is added instead of a drop-down list.
  • Updated the section header from "No Longer Collected Beginning School Year 2014-2015" to "No Longer Collected" on the Special Education edit page. In addition, the Section is collapsed on page load and can be expanded to check the fields.
PSSR-267084Validate YN and TF Field Types and Values for CTE and Homeless Tabs

Checkboxes are provided for the below fields in the New/Edit PIMS CTE Student Data pages:
Field 12. Registered Apprenticeship Indicator
Field 13. Internship Indicator
Field 14. Cooperative Work Indicator
Field 15. Job Exploration Indicator
Field 16. Agriculture Experience Indicator
Field 17. School Sponsored Enterprise Indicator

Drop-down values are updated for the below fields:

Field nameValues
Eligibility for homeless servicesN (Blank)
Y (Yes)
School selectionN (Blank)
Y (Yes)
TransportationN (Blank)
Y (Yes)
School RecordsN (Blank)
Y (Yes)
ImmunizationsN (Blank)
Y (Yes)
Other Medical RecordsN (Blank)
Y (Yes)
Other BarriersN (Blank)
Y (Yes)
Did student receive direct supplemental services this month?N (Blank)
Y (Yes)
UN (Unknown)
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