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State Reporting Release Notes

A release announcement will be posted on PowerSchool Community when the installer is available for download. Refer to 2020 State Reporting Releases for release dates.



Release Note

PSSR-236119Staff Information Page: Display Blank Values for Required Fields

Required Staff fields are updated to display a blank value option and notification if no value has been stored for staff. These fields were previously displayed with a Yes/No option only and did not store value if there were no changes made to the Staff Information page. The following fields are updated:
1. Exclude From PIMS
2. Staff Type
3. Active/Inactive Indicator
4. Local Contract
5. Authorized to Carry Weapon Indicator

PSSR-82452State Auditors Report-CSV: Display Additional Student Information

PA State Auditors Report - CSV: Version 1.4
The report is updated to display data stored for Student DOB and Student Home Address. If the student's Home Address field is not populated, the report checks the Mailing Address field and extracts the data found. The additional information is displayed after the Student Gender column.

PSSR-231590State Auditors Report-HTML: Display Additional Student Information

PA State Auditors Report - HTML: Version 1.4
The report is updated to display data stored for Student DOB and Student Home Address. If the student's Home Address field is not populated, the report checks the Mailing Address field and extracts the data found. The additional information is displayed after the Student Gender column.

PSSR-238078Student Enrollment Pages: Grade Code & District of Enrollment Code Updates
  • The student enrollment pages are updated to include an alert when a student is identified with a grade level of 0 but a value has not been entered for field PA Grade Code. The following message displays: "PA Grade Code is empty. Value must be set if student grade level = 0."
  • Student field, District of Enrollment Code (Field 217. on the student enrollment pages), is now sorted by the name associated with the code value instead of the numeric value.
PSSR-237476Student Enrollment Pages: Special Ed Fields & Section Ordering
  • The Student enrollment pages are updated to display a new ordering of existing sections School Enrollment, Student Template, and General. The Student Enrollment section will display first, followed by Student Template, and then General for all applicable pages.
  • The previous label Field 38. Special Education Indicator is corrected and now displays as Special Education Student. The special education field associated with the Student Template report now has Field 38. in the label as expected. It is also moved up on the page to display in the proper numeric order.
PSSR-203191Update Validation Logic for Program Services Code (Title I Part A) Field

The validation logic for Program Services Code (Title I Part A) Field which compares the entry and exit date for a student's Special Program enrollment is removed from the Start > Student Selection > Transfer Info > Previous Enrollment page.

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