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State Reporting Release Notes

A release announcement will be posted on PowerSchool Community when the installer is available for download. Refer to 2020 State Reporting Releases for release dates.



Release Note

PSSR-234500CTE Student Fact Template (RE) - End of Year Submission Updates

CTE Student Fact Template - RE: Version 2.1

The CTE Student Fact Template is updated to meet the modified formatting requirements as outlined for the 2019-2020 submission by PDE. The following changes are made in the output file:

  • Field 1 is renamed to display as Submitting AUN.
  • Field 3 is renamed to display as PAsecureID.
  • Field 4 is renamed to display as CIP School Number.
  • Field 5 is renamed to display as Student School Number.
  • Field 25 is discontinued and displays as Not Collected.
  • Field 29 is added to display as Not Collected.
  • Field 30 is added to display as Perkins Concentrator.
  • Field 31 is added to display as Perkins Participant.
  • Field 32 is added to display as Not Collected.
  • Field 33 is added to display as Simulated Work Environment.
  • Field 34 is added to display as Certificate of Apprenticeship.
  • Field 35 is added to display as Degree Awarded.
  • Field 36 is added to display as Adult Cumulative Equivalency.

Note: The values reported for each newly added field are pulled from the student CTE tab and are stored in the S_PA_STU_CTE_X table.

PSSR-234570Student Template Tab Updates for End of Year Reporting

The Student Template tab is updated to include field changes announced by PDE for the 2019-2020 End of Year collection. The following changes are made:

  • The label for Field 166. Displaced Homemaker is updated to display as "Field 166. Out of Workforce Individual".
  • Three new fields, "Field 111. Homeless Student", "Field 112. Migrant Student", and "Field 209. Foster Student" are added in numerical order for data entry.
  • The student enrollment pages are updated to display the Migrant label as "Field 112. Migrant Student" and the field is now located in the Student Template section of each page.
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