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State Reporting Release Notes

A release announcement will be posted on PowerSchool Community when the installer is available for download. Refer to 2020 State Reporting Releases for release dates.



Release Note

PSSR-225255Incident Management: Updates to Behavior Sub-Code Descriptions

The Behavior sub-code descriptions under Misconduct - Against a Person for code 6 and code 26 are updated to reflect the state description as outlined in the PIMS manual; Ttey now display as follows:

  • 6-Involuntary Sexual Deviate Intercourse^
  • 26-Crimes Related to Criminal Homicide^
PSSR-227097Incident Offender Infraction Template: Update to Include Behavior Codes 52, 53, and 54

Incident Offender Infraction Template Version 1.7

The Incident Offender Infraction Template is updated to include incident information when the behavior code 52, 53, or 54 is assigned to an offender.

PSSR-209567Incident Offender Template: Extract Primary Disability Attribute at Time of Incident

Incident Offender Template: Version 3.0

The logic to extract data for the Primary Disability Code field is updated in the report to consider both the date of the incident and the student's enrollment to determine the Challenge Type. The ReEnrollments table is now referenced to ensure the disability at the time of the incident is correctly reported.

PSSR-227403Incident Template Update: LLE Incident Number and Incident Reporter Type Code Not Collected

Incident Template: Version 2.0

The Incident Template report is updated to reflect the changes recently announced by PDE to no longer collect the LLE Incident Number (column 16) and Incident Reporter Type Code (column 17) for the 2019-20 Discipline Domain reporting year. The header for these columns displays as Not Collected and no data is extracted.

PSSR-222807Location Fact Detail - Safe School: Update to Extract Incidents Where Action is Not Attached to Behavior

Location Fact Detail Report - Safe School: Version 1.7

When creating an incident where an Action element is reported, the Action element should be attached directly to the offender's Behavior element by adding the Behavior first. The report is updated to include qualifying incidents where the Action element is added before the Behavior.

PSSR-222736Location Fact Template - Safe School - Update to Extract Incidents where Action Not Attached to Behavior

Location Fact Template - Safe School: Version 1.9

When creating an incident where an Action element is reported, the Action element should be attached directly to the offender's Behavior element by adding the Behavior first. The report is updated to include qualifying incidents (Behavior Code OTH^) where the Action element is added before the Behavior.

PSSR-222984Student Template/Snapshot Report: Update to Multi-Race Logic

Student Template/Snapshot Update: Version 4.1

Duplicate race records can contribute to unexpected results in the Race/Ethnicity field for the Student Template/Snapshot. The report logic is updated so that the calculation of code 6 - Multi-Racial excludes duplicate records of the same race value in the Student Race table.

PSSR-226767Table 9A Report: Calculation Update for Number of Removals for Drugs and Number of Removals for Weapons

Table 9A Report: Version 1.7

Table9A report was calculating Number of Removals for Drugs and Number of Removals for Weapons field values based on the incident and not the incident participant. The report is updated to use the PSRW_PARTICIPANTBEHAVIOR view to collect and calculate the count to be reported for these fields.

PSSR-220136UI Update for SHARRS Tab

The Dental Program (Mandated/Dental/Fluoride), Health Screens, and Physical Examinations tabs located under the SHARRS Info tab of the student health module are no longer visible. The tabs did not display any data or fields.

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