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State Reporting Release Notes

A release announcement will be posted on PowerSchool Community when the installer is available for download. Refer to 2020 State Reporting Releases for release dates.



Release Note


All States: Clock In/Clock Out Report Update

Clock In / Clock Out Report: Version 1.1
The Clock In/Clock Out Report is updated and can report multiple Time In and Time Out values, on a single day, if they exist.


All States: Contact Tracing Report Update - Incident Management Data Grouping

Contact Tracing Report: Version 1.3
The Contract Tracing report is updated and can now pull data from Incident Management. When this data grouping is selected, the following points are extracted:

  • Name
  • Student/Staff Indicator
  • Student Number
  • Grade Level
  • School Abr
  • Incident Date
  • Incident ID
  • Incident Title
  • Incident School Abr
  • Contact Name
  • Phone Number

The parameter is brought in a single row which says "Include" and the user can check the option "Class", "Busing", and "Incident"

The description of the report is updated.


All States: Student Birthday List Report Update

The list of students is now returned if the user enters a start and end date that spans multiple years.

PSSR-249456PA - Funding District Code Validation

The PA Student Template tab and Transfer Info page (Current & Previous) are updated to include a validation message for Field 189, Funding District Code. If the field is blank and the District Type (District Office Setup) is set to CTC, the following message displays:
"This District is identified as a CTC, therefore an override value is required for Funding District Code".

PSSR-249309PA - Special Education - End of Year Report Update

Special Education Snapshot Template: Version 1.8
The Student Special Education - EOY report is renamed "Special Education Snapshot Template" Report and includes the functionality to select between two reporting periods, December 1 & July 1. When December 1 is selected, student selection is based on PIMS December 1 submission requirements. When July 1 is selected, student selection is based on PIMS End of Year submission requirements. There is no change in report format.

PSSR-252018PA - CTE / Industry Credentials Historical Tracking UI Update (Part 1)

A new user database table is created to store CTE student data for the purpose of historical tracking data year to year. Table [PA_STU_CTE_C] will hold migrated data from the PA_STU_CTE_X with two additional user fields to store PDE408 Form or similar confirmation and Date of Form Completion. The table will have the ability to store one record per year. This new table will be automatically populated for the current year using a migration script in an upcoming release.

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