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SHARRS Screening Codes

The following codes are used to collect screening outcome data for the SHARRS Report. 

Hearing Screening Outcome

Display ValueState CodeState Name
Referred for further Hearing Evaluation/TreatmentREFReferred for further Hearing Evaluation/Treatment

Scoliosis Screening Outcome

Display ValueState CodeState Name
Referred for further Scoliosis Evaluation/TreatmentREFReferred for further Scoliosis Evaluation/Treatment

Vision Screening Outcome

Display ValueState CodeState Name
Referred for further Vision Evaluation/TreatmentREFReferred for further Vision Evaluation/Treatment

Vital Signs/Biometrics Screening Outcome

Display ValueState CodeState Name
Referred for Physical Exam Evaluation/TreatmentREFReferred for Physical Exam Evaluation/Treatment

Weight Status

Display ValueState CodeState Name
UnderWeight - Less than 5th PercentileUWBMIUWBMI
Healthy Weight - 5th to less than 85th PercentileHWBMIHWBMI

OverWeight - 85th to less than 95th Percentile


Obese - Equal to or greater than 95th Percentile


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