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SHARRS Code Set Codes

The following codes are used to collect Office Visit data for the SHARRS Report. 

Code Set Name: Visit Type

CodeDisplay ValueReported Value
DEXDental ExamDEX
DHSP03Dental Preventative TreatmentDHSP03
DHSP04Dental Health Edu/ActivityDHSP04
DREFDental ReferralDREF
PEREFPhysical Examination ReferralPEREF
VSREFVision Screen ReferralVSREF
HSREFHearing Screen ReferralHSREF
SCREFScoliosis Screen ReferralSCREF
PHEXPhysical ExamPHEX

Code Set Name: Outcome

CodeDisplay ValueReported Value
REFReferred for Dental Evaluation/TreatmentREF
SEALDHSP: Sealant AppliedSEAL
FLRIFlouride: RinseFLRI
FLTAFlouride: TabletFLTA
FLTOFlouride: TopicalFLTO
CREFCompleted Referral ReportedCREF
CREFPPhysical Examination Referral CompletedCREFP
REFPReferred for further Evaluation/TreatementREFP
CREFVVision Screening Referral CompletedCREFV
CREFHHearing Screening Referral CompletedCREFH
CREFSScoliosis Screening Referral CompletedCREFS

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