S_PA_Title1_S (ver 14.3.2)
This table is a standalone table containing information specifically about Title 1 programs for the district. This table may contain multiple school year data for the district.
Column Name | Version | Data Type | Description |
ID | 14.3.2 | Number(10,0) | System generated Primary Key. |
YearID | 14.3.2 | Number(11,0) | School year identifier for this record. |
NonPub_Students | 14.3.2 | Number(11,0) | Total number of nonpublic students being served in Title 1, Part A programs. |
NonPub_Age02 | 14.3.2 | Number(11,0) | Total number of nonpublic students in grade level "age 0-2" being served in Title 1 nonpublic programs. |
NonPub_Age35 | 14.3.2 | Number(11,0) | Total number of nonpublic students in grade level "age 3-5" being served in Title 1 nonpublic programs. |
NonPub_GradeKDG | 14.3.2 | Number(11,0) | Total number of nonpublic students in kindergarten being served in Title 1 nonpublic programs. |
NonPub_Grade1 | 14.3.2 | Number(11,0) | Total number of nonpublic students in 1st grade being served in Title 1 nonpublic programs. |
NonPub_Grade2 | 14.3.2 | Number(11,0) | Total number of nonpublic students in 2nd grade being served in Title 1 nonpublic programs. |
NonPub_Grade3 | 14.3.2 | Number(11,0) | Total number of nonpublic students in 3rd grade being served in Title 1 nonpublic programs. |
NonPub_Grade4 | 14.3.2 | Number(11,0) | Total number of nonpublic students in 4th grade being served in Title 1 nonpublic programs. |
NonPub_Grade5 | 14.3.2 | Number(11,0) | Total number of nonpublic students in 5th grade being served in Title 1 nonpublic programs. |
NonPub_Grade6 | 14.3.2 | Number(11,0) | Total number of nonpublic students in 6th grade being served in Title 1 nonpublic programs. |
NonPub_Grade7 | 14.3.2 | Number(11,0) | Total number of nonpublic students in 7th grade being served in Title 1 nonpublic programs. |
NonPub_Grade8 | 14.3.2 | Number(11,0) | Total number of nonpublic students in 8th grade being served in Title 1 nonpublic programs. |
NonPub_Grade9 | 14.3.2 | Number(11,0) | Total number of nonpublic students in 9th grade being served in Title 1 nonpublic programs. |
NonPub_Grade10 | 14.3.2 | Number(11,0) | Total number of nonpublic students in 10th grade being served in Title 1 nonpublic programs. |
NonPub_Grade11 | 14.3.2 | Number(11,0) | Total number of nonpublic students in 11th grade being served in Title 1 nonpublic programs. |
NonPub_Grade12 | 14.3.2 | Number(11,0) | Total number of nonpublic students in 12th grade being served in Title 1 nonpublic programs. |
NonPub_GradeUng | 14.3.2 | Number(11,0) | Total number of nonpublic ungraded being served in Title 1 nonpublic programs. |
Para_TASPercent | 14.3.2 | Number(25,10) | Percentage of paraprofessionals funded in a Title I, Part A TAS program who were qualified in accordance with Section 1119 (c) and (d) of ESEA. |
Teach_TASFTE | 14.3.2 | Number(25,10) | Number of FTE Teachers funded by a Title I, Part A TAS program. For staff working with both TAS and SWP, report only the FTE attributable to their TAS responsibilities. |
Para_TASFTE | 14.3.2 | Number(25,10) | Number of FTE paraprofessionals funded by a Title I, Part A TAS program. |
Cler_TASFTE | 14.3.2 | Number(25,10) | Number of FTE Clerical Support Staff funded by a Title I, Part A TAS program. For staff working with both TAS and SWP, report only the FTE attributable to their TAS responsibilities. |
OthPara_TASFTE | 14.3.2 | Number(25,10) | Number of FTE Other Paraprofessionals (translators, parental involvement,and computer assistance) funded by a Title I, Part A TAS program. For staff working with both TAS and SWP, report only the FTE attributable to their TAS responsibilities. |
Admn_TASFTE | 14.3.2 | Number(25,10) | Number of FTE Administrative (non-Clerical) Staff funded by a Title I, Part A TAS program. For staff working with both TAS and SWP, report only the FTE attributable to their TAS responsibilities. |
Para_SWPPercent | 14.3.2 | Number(25,10) | Percentage of paraprofessionals funded in a Title I, Part A SWP program who were qualified in accordance with Section 1119 (c) and (d) of ESEA. |
Para_SWPFTE | 14.3.2 | Number(25,10) | Number of FTE Paraprofessionals funded by a Title I, Part A SWP program. |