S_PA_LEP_S (ver 15.10.3)
This is a stand alone table for the data collected in the LEP Program Survey
Column Name | Version | Data Type | Description |
ID | 15.10.3 | Number(10,0) | System generated Primary Key. |
YearID | 15.10.3 | Number(11,0) | School year identifier for this record. |
ACT01_YN | 15.10.3 | Varchar2(1) | Yes/No Indicator for Activity 01 - Instructional strategies for LEP Students. |
ACT02_YN | 15.10.3 | Varchar2(1) | Yes/No Indicator for Activity 02 - Understanding and implementation of assessment of LEP students. |
ACT03_YN | 15.10.3 | Varchar2(1) | Yes/No Indicator for Activity 03 - Understanding and implementation of assessment of LEP students. |
ACT04_YN | 15.10.3 | Varchar2(1) | Yes/No Indicator for Activity 04- Alignment of the curriculum in language instruction education programs to ELP standards. |
ACT05_YN | 15.10.3 | Varchar2(1) | Yes/No Indicator for Activity 05 - Subject matter knowledge for teachers. |
ACT06_YN | 15.10.3 | Varchar2(1) | Yes/No Indicator for Activity 06 - Other (Please email the professional development activity to PDE to the following email account ra-lep@pa.gov |
CONTENTTEACH | 15.10.3 | Number(11,0) | Professional development provided to content classroom teachers. |
LEPTEACH | 15.10.3 | Number(11,0) | Professional development provided to LEP classroom teachers. |
PRINCIPALS | 15.10.3 | Number(11,0) | Professional development provided to principals. |
ADMINISTRATORS | 15.10.3 | Number(11,0) | Professional development provided to administrators other than principals. |
OTHERS | 15.10.3 | Number(11,0) | Professional development provided to other school personnel/non administrative. |
COMMUNITY | 15.10.3 | Number(11,0) | Professional development provided to community-based organization. |
NONPUBLICLEP | 15.10.3 | Number(11,0) | Total number of nonpublic LEP students served by Title III. |
NONPUBLICICY | 15.10.3 | Number(11,0) | Total number of nonpublic Immigrant Children and Youth served by Title III. |
NONPUBLICSCHOOLS | 15.10.3 | Number(11,0) | Total number of nonpublic schools served by Title III. |
FC | 15.10.3 | Number(11,0) | Total number of all certified/licensed teachers currently working in a language instruction education program (core ESL program and, if applicable, supplemental Title III program). |
NFC | 15.10.3 | Number(11,0) | Total number of all teachers not fully certified currently working in a language instruction education program (core ESL program, and if applicable, supplemental Title III program). |
FIVE_YEARS | 15.10.3 | Number(11,0) | Estimated total number of additional certified/licensed teachers that will be needed for language instruction educational programs for the next five years (core ESL program and, if applicable, supplemental Title III program). |
ESLBUDGET | 15.10.3 | Number(25,10) | Provide the dollar amount allocated to the LEA’s general budget for English language instruction programs. |
POLICY_YN | 15.10.3 | Varchar2(1) | Does the LEA have a board approved policy that ensures the LEA’s commitment to address the needs of ELLs (i.e., core curriculum, equal access, adequate resources/funds, adequate staffing/instructional time, program evaluations, and participation in large scale assessments)? |
COMPREHENSIVE_YN | 15.10.3 | Varchar2(1) | Does the LEA’s local comprehensive plan address the needs of English language learners in the core foundations of the plan (standards curriculum, instruction, assessment, safe and supportive schools, materials and resources, professional education, and special education)? Practices for English language learners should be embedded throughout the plan. |
PROGRAM_YN | 15.10.3 | Varchar2(1) | Does the LEA have a written description of the K-12 English language instruction program, including a detailed description of the instructional model(s) employed? |
TEACHER_YN | 15.10.3 | Varchar2(1) | Has the LEA made available the K-12 English language instruction program to every teacher? |
PARENTS_YN | 15.10.3 | Varchar2(1) | Has the LEA made available the description of the K-12 English language instruction program for parents of ELLs? |
HLS_YN | 15.10.3 | Varchar2(1) | Has the LEA made available the description of the K-12 English language instruction program for parents of ELLs? |
FOLDER_YN | 15.10.3 | Varchar2(1) | Does the LEA maintain a Home Language Survey in the permanent record folder for all students enrolled in the district through graduation? |
THIRTY_FOURTEEN_YN | 15.10.3 | Varchar2(1) | For students identified as PHLOTEs, does the LEA administer English language proficiency tests and begin ESL instruction within 30 days of enrollment at the beginning of the school year? For any child entering school, after the first 30 days of the school year, does the LEA administer English language proficiency tests and begin instruction within 14 days of enrollment? |
PHLOTES_YN | 15.10.3 | Varchar2(1) | Does the LEA maintain an updated list of PHLOTEs? |
LEVELS_YN | 15.10.3 | Varchar2(1) | Does the LEA maintain in each ELL’s permanent record their current English language proficiency level? |
LSRW_YN | 15.10.3 | Varchar2(1) | For the purpose of initial placement, ongoing assessment and reclassification, are ELLs assessed for the development of listening, speaking, reading, and writing? |
ASSESSMENT_YN | 15.10.3 | Varchar2(1) | Does the LEA administer a state English language proficiency assessment annually to all ELLs? |
EXIT_YN | 15.10.3 | Varchar2(1) | Has the LEA incorporated the State Required Exit Criteria into its English language instruction program plan? |
MONITOR_YN | 15.10.3 | Varchar2(1) | Does the LEA monitor the progress of students exited from an English language instruction program for a period of two years as per No Child Left Behind regulations? |
EEOA_YN | 15.10.3 | Varchar2(1) | Are ELLs in the English language instruction program guaranteed access to the full school curriculum (both required and elective courses) including career education and technology (e.g., guidance materials, registration handbook, career technology, criteria for selection, student schedules, club lists, and handbooks)? |
TRANSLATION_YN | 15.10.3 | Varchar2(1) | Does the LEA provide information about assessment, academic achievement and related issues to parents in their preferred language and mode of communication? |
BUDGET_YN | 15.10.3 | Varchar2(1) | Does the LEA have a line item in the general budget for ESL instructional resources and staffing? |
INTERPRETERS_YN | 15.10.3 | Varchar2(1) | Does the LEA have a procedure for accessing interpreters (oral) and translators (written) who can be called upon when needed? |
DAILY_YN | 15.10.3 | Varchar2(1) | Does the LEA provide daily planned instruction for English language acquisition commensurate with proficiency level and delivered via ELPS aligned to the Reading, Writing, Listening, or Speaking standards? |
EVALUATION_YN | 15.10.3 | Varchar2(1) | Does the LEA periodically evaluate its language instruction educational program to ensure all components are aligned and working effectively? |
INSTRUCTION_YN | 15.10.3 | Varchar2(1) | Does the LEA provide ELLs with meaningful, comprehensible access to instruction in all content areas? |
ENTRY | 15.10.3 | Varchar2(4000) | LEAs must indicate the assessment(s) administered to ELLs upon entry. |
ONGOING | 15.10.3 | Varchar2(4000) | LEAs must indicate the assessment(s) administered to ELLs ongoing. |
EXIT | 15.10.3 | Varchar2(4000) | LEAs must indicate the assessment(s) administered to ELLs upon exit |
DUAL | 15.10.3 | Varchar2(4000) | LEAs must provide the code of the language(s) other than English used for instruction for the Dual Bilingual Program model. |
TWO_WAY | 15.10.3 | Varchar2(4000) | LEAs must provide the code of the language(s) other than English used for instruction for the Two-Way Bilingual Program model. |
TRANSITIONAL | 15.10.3 | Varchar2(4000) | LEAs must provide the code of the language(s) other than English used for instruction for the Transitional Bilingual Program model. |
DEVELOPMENTAL | 15.10.3 | Varchar2(4000) | LEAs must provide the code of the language(s) other than English used for instruction for the Developmental Bilingual Program model. |
HERITAGE | 15.10.3 | Varchar2(4000) | LEAs must provide the code of the language(s) other than English used for instruction for the Heritage Bilingual Program model. |
LUS_YN | 17.10.0 | Varchar2(1) | Does the LEA administer the Language Use Survey as a parent interview? |
FOURTEEN_YN | 17.10.0 | Varchar2(1) | For any child entering school, after the first 30 days of the school year, does the LEA administer the English language proficiency tests and begin instruction within 14 days of enrollment? |
MONITOR_FOURYRS_YN | 17.10.0 | Varchar2(1) | Does the LEA report former ELs as such to the state for each of the first four years after reclassification? |
BACKGROUND_YN | 17.10.0 | Varchar2(1) | Does the LEA have a system in place to inform teachers of all ELs’ proficiency levels, domain strengths and challenges, and background information such as first language? |
PROGREFUSAL_YN | 17.10.0 | Varchar2(1) | Does the LEA have a procedure to inform parents of ELs about their right to refuse ESL Programs and services that segregate their child for language assistance? |
PLACEMTREFUSAL_YN | 17.10.0 | Varchar2(1) | Does the LEA have a policy and procedure to inform parents of their right to refuse the placement of their child as they continue in the LIEP annually? |
GRADING_YN | 17.10.0 | Varchar2(1) | Does the LEA have a uniformed grading policy outlining the system in which ELs are graded in content and other classes? |
RETENTION_YN | 17.10.0 | Varchar2(1) | Does the LEA have a written policy stating ELs cannot be retained in a grade based solely on their lack of English proficiency? |