S_PA_CRS_X (ver 14.11.0)
This table is an extension of the [Courses] table.
Column Name | Version | Data Type | Description |
CoursesDCID | 14.11.0 | Number(10,0) | Foreign Key to the Courses table. |
Subject_Area_Code | 14.11.0 | Varchar2(2) | Subject Area Code (Used for EWS) |
Eng_Lang_Learn_Indicator | 14.11.0 | Varchar2(1) | English Language Learner Indicator (Used for EWS) |
Remedial_Indicator | 14.11.0 | Varchar2(1) | Remedial Indicator (Used for EWS) |
Basic_Indicator | 14.11.0 | Varchar2(1) | Basic Indicator (Used for EWS) |
Special_Ed_Indicator | 14.11.0 | Varchar2(1) | Special Education Indicator (Used for EWS) |
Core_Indicator | 14.11.0 | Varchar2(1) | Core Indicator (Used for EWS) |
Number_Of_Parts | 14.11.0 | Integer | Number Of Parts (Used for EWS) |
CollegeLevel_indicator | 15.2.0 | Varchar2(1) | College Level Indicator (Used for EWS) |
Untracked_indicator | 15.2.0 | Varchar2(1) | Untracked Indicator (Used for EWS) |
Correspondence_Indicator | 14.11.0 | Varchar2(1) | Correspondence Indicator (Used for EWS) |
HS_Equivalen_Indicator | 14.11.0 | Varchar2(1) | Hs Equivalent Indicator (Used for EWS) |
Dist_Learning_Indicator | 14.11.0 | Varchar2(1) | Distance Learning Indicator (Used for EWS) |
Grad_Credit_Indicator | 14.11.0 | Varchar2(1) | Graduation Credit Indicator (Used for EWS) |
Magnet_Indicator | 14.11.0 | Varchar2(1) | Magnet Indicator (Used for EWS) |
Pre_Adv_Placement_Indicator | 14.11.0 | Varchar2(1) | Pre-Advanced Placement Indicator (Used for EWS) |
Pre_Intl_Bacc_Indicator | 14.11.0 | Varchar2(1) | Pre-International Baccalaureate Indicator (Used for EWS) |
Course_Sequence | 14.11.0 | Integer | Course Sequence (Used for EWS) |
KeySubTestIdentifier | 15.1.3 | Varchar2(20) | Keystone Subtest Identifier. |
PSSASubTestIdentifier | 15.1.3 | Varchar2(20) | PSSA Subtest Identifier. |
Exclude_from_EWS | 15.6.2 | Number(1,0) | Exclude Course from EWS reports |
BlockScheduledClass_TF | 16.4.0 | Number(1,0) | Is this a Block Scheduled Course? |
Advanced_Placement_TF | 17.3.0 | Number(1,0) | Migrated from [Courses]PA_AP_Ind. |
Alternate_Course_Code | 17.3.0 | Varchar2(12) | Migrated from [Courses]PA_Alt_Course_Cd. |
Course_Delivery_Model_Code | 17.3.0 | Varchar2(4) | Migrated from [Courses]PA_Course_Del_Mod_Cd. |
Dual_Credit_TF | 17.3.0 | Number(1,0) | Migrated from [Courses]PA_Dual_Credit. |
Gifted_TF | 17.3.0 | Number(1,0) | Migrated from [Courses]PA_Gifted_Ind. |
Honors_TF | 17.3.0 | Number(1,0) | Migrated from [Courses]PA_Honors_Ind. |
International_Baccalaureate_TF | 17.3.0 | Number(1,0) | Migrated from [Courses]PA_Inter_Bacc_Ind. |
Requirements_Code_TF | 17.3.0 | Number(1,0) | Migrated from [Courses]PA_Require_Ind. |
Semester_Code | 17.3.0 | Varchar2(2) | Migrated from[Courses]PA_Semester. |
Exclude_From_Pims_TF | 17.3.0 | Number(1,0) | Migrated from [Courses]PA_exclude_from_pims. |
KeyTestDate | 17.4.0 | Date | Migrated from [Courses]PA_KeyTestDate. |
PSSATestDate | 17.4.0 | Date | Migrated from [Courses]PA_PSSATestDate. |