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Keystone Test and Subtest Identifiers

The following is a sample listing of Keystone Identifiers available for selection for the Keystone Subtest Identifier data field.

Test CodeDescriptionSubtest IdentifierDescription
KALG1KEYSTONE - Algebra IKALG1SPRKeystone Algebra I Spring


Keystone Algebra I Summer
KALG1KEYSTONE - Algebra IKALG1WINKeystone Algebra I Winter
KBIOKEYSTONE - BiologyKBIOSPRKeystone Biology Spring
KBIOKEYSTONE - BiologyKBIOSUMKeystone Biology Summer
KBIOKEYSTONE - BiologyKBIOWINKeystone Biology Winter
KLITKEYSTONE - LiteratureKLITSPRKeystone Literature Spring
KLITKEYSTONE - LiteratureKLITSUMKeystone Literature Summer
KLITKEYSTONE - LiteratureKLITWINKeystone Literature Winter

See Appendix AK in Volume 2 of the PIMS User Manual for a complete list of valid values.

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