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Attendance Tracking and Notification - School Setup

The following steps for ATN setup are to be applied at each school within the District. This is required for the aggregated Habitual Truant data on Location Fact Template/Location Fact Detail Report

Attendance Code Category - Setup

  1. On the start page, choose a school from the main menu. In the left hand menu click on School Setup, the School setup page appears.
  2. Under the Attendance header click on Attendance Code Categories > New

Note: If attendance code categories have already been defined such as Unexcused, Excused and Tardy (do not delete). It is now required that you make an additional unexcused code category to be used only in conjunction with ATN. It is required to name the Code > Unlawful




Unlawful – Required Name




Used for Habitual Truancy Calculations

Sort order for display


Attaching the Attendance Code Categories to Attendance Codes:

  1. On the start page, choose a school from the main menu. In the left hand menu click on School Setup, the School Setup page appears.
  2. Under the Attendance header click on Attendance Codes. Click on each attendance code that is counted as an Unlawful Absence and check the box next to the new Unlawful Absence Code category that was previously created.

Attendance Tracking & Notification – Attendance Mode Setup:

  1. On the start page, choose a school from the main menu. In the left hand menu click on School Setup, the School Setup page appears. 
  2. Under the Attendance header click on Attendance Tracking and Notification > Attendance Mode.
  3. Click on new to create a Tracking Mode. Select from the pop-up menu the default Attendance mode used at this school.

Note: If unsure of the default attendance mode go to Start Page > School Setup > Full-Time Equivalencies (FTE). The default attendance mode that is used will be displayed on this page. Only one may be used per school.

Attendance Tracking & Notification – Unexcused Tracking Setup:

  1. On the start page, choose a school from the main menu. In the left hand menu click on School Setup, the School Setup page appears.
  2. Under the Attendance header click on Attendance Tracking and Notification > Unexcused Tracking Setup
  3. Create a new Unexcused Tracking Category using the new button. Select the Attendance Category “Unlawful” that was previously created. Set the status to absent and click submit. 
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