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State Reporting Release Notes

release announcement will be posted on PowerSchool Community when the installer is available for download. Refer to 2022 State Reporting Releases for release dates.



Release Note

PSSR-3011722022-2023 Updates to the Special Program Information Page

With this State Reporting Update, the Program Type List present on the Special Program Information Page has been updated as mentioned below:

  • Talented and Gifted (48 - TAGFg) has been added to the drop-down list.
  • The below-mentioned values have been deactivated:
    • Potential TAG (45 - TAGPtntTAGFg)
    • Intellectually Gifted (46 - TAGIntlctGiftFg)
    • Academic Talented Reading (47-TAGAcdmTlntRdFg)
    • Academic Talented Math (48-TAGAcdmTlntMaFg)
    • Creative Ability (49-TAGCrtvAbltyFg)
    • Leadership Ability (50-TAGLdrshpAbltyFg)
    • Visual and Performing Arts Ability (51-TAGPrfmArtsAbltyFg)
PSSR-302699Updates to the Cumulative ADM Screen and File

With this state reporting release, the below-mentioned updates have been implemented:

  • The Cumulative ADM Screen has been updated to reflect the correct numbers of the fields and the fields will start from the number 51 instead of 57.
  • The Cumulative ADM File, Version 2.9, is updated to remove the columns that are no longer collected. Additionally, the below-mentioned columns have been added to the report output.
    • TAGFg
    • AddnLangCd
PSSR-302754Updates to the Recent Arrivers Screen and File

With this state reporting release, the below-mentioned updates have been implemented:

  • Recent Arrivers Screen:
    • SIFEFg and FrgnExchStdnFg have been renumbered to 51 and 52 respectively.
  • The Recent Arrivers File, Version 1.7, is updated to remove the columns that are no longer collected. Additionally, the below-mentioned columns have been added to the report output.
    • TAGFg
    • AddnLangCd
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