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State Reporting Release Notes

A release announcement will be posted on PowerSchool Community when the installer is available for download. Refer to 2022 State Reporting Releases for release dates.



Release Note


SSID Student File: Version 2.3

2022-2023 Updates

With this State Reporting Release, SSID Student File Report and the State Student Pages have been updated as per the 2022-2023 DOE Guidelines with the following:

  • On the SSID Information Page, the following updates have been done:

    • The TrnstnProgFg field is renumbered to 45 (was 52)

    • The AltEdProgFg field is renumbered to 46

    • The AmerIndianTrbMbrshpCd is renumbered to 47

    • The AmerIndianTrbEnrlmntNbr is moved to a new ‘No Longer Collected’ section of the page and the item number designation is removed.

    • A new field is added to the page: 49 | AddnLangCd | Additional Language Code

  • On the Programs and Participation Page, the following updates have been done:

    • A new field is added to the page: 48 | TAGFg | Talented and Gifted Flag

    • All of the previous TAG fields present on the Programs and Participation page, numbered 45 to 51, are now moved to a new ‘No Longer Collected’ section at the bottom of the page and the item number designation is removed.

  • The SSID Report is updated to remove the columns that are no longer collected. Additionally, the below-mentioned columns have been added to the report output.

    • TAGFg

    • AddnLangCd

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