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State Reporting Release Notes

A release announcement will be posted on PowerSchool Community when the installer is available for download. Refer to 2021 State Reporting Releases for release dates.



Release Note

PSSR-259988All States/Provinces: Minimum PowerSchool Version for State Reporting - minimum supported version on PowerSchool SIS State/Provincial Reporting installer is updated. This can now be installed on PowerSchool SIS or later. For details refer PowerSchool SIS – Supported PowerSchool Versions.
PSSR-269849All States/Provinces: Contact Relationship Details Enterprise Report Update

Additional Reference: PSSR-270776, PSSR-260290

Contact Relationship Details (Enterprise Report): Version 2.0

Updated the Contact Relationship Details Enterprise report with the following changes:

  • Corrected issue where phone, email, or address might not display when there is data in the contact’s record.
  • Added second email address.
  • Added many new student fields, including Track, legal name, legal gender, and guardian alert.
  • Added all fields from the PersonCoreFields table.
  • Added field-level security (FLS) support to all supported student and contact fields.
  • Other design enhancements have been made, including a reset button and full-screen button.
PSSR-258130All States/Provinces: Contact Tracing Report Update - Attendance Data

Student Contact Tracing Report: Version 1.4

The Contact Tracing report has been updated and now pulls attendance data based on a newly added report parameter. When this parameter is selected, the attendance for the selected students will be reported by Day/Period (depending on if the default for the student’s FTE is meeting or daily attendance).

PSSR-270782All States/Provinces: Yearly Medication Inventory Report Update

Yearly Medication Inventory Report: Version 1.2

The yearly Medication Inventory Report is updated and will no longer pull invalid inventory records that result in a negative inventory value.


Conversion From Implied to Explicit Decimal Formats

Career and Technical Education-Course Enrollment File: Version 1.8
Cumulative ADM Student File: Version 2.6
Discipline Incident File: Version 1.8

The following fields in the listed reports are updated to report numeric values having explicit decimals instead of implied decimals.

Career and Technical Course Enrollment:

  • Career and Technical Education Credits (CTECredits)

Cumulative Average Daily Membership:

  • Days Present (ADMPrsntDays)

  • Days Absent (ADMAbsntDays)

  • Instructional Hours (ADMInstrctHrs)

  • Full Time Equivalency (ADMFTE)

Discipline Incidents:

  • Discipline Days (DsplnDays)


Oregon 2021-22 Data Collection and Page Changes

The following page and data collection updates are available to support 2021-22 reporting requirements:

  • EL Record Type descriptions on the English Learners page are updated to align with updated code descriptions listed in the state File Formats document.

  • The Bi-Literacy Seal page is updated to include the following changes:

    • A warning will display if the user is submitting the page with null values for required fields.

    • The 'Assessment Type Code' and 'Additional Assessment Type Code' fields areupdated to include an additional option: (AJA) AJA Language Proficiency Assessment

  • The Cumulative ADM Information page ‘ADMPrgTypCd’ description is updated to read ‘EL enrollment’ instead of ‘ESL enrollment’.

  • The ‘3050 - Moldavian’ language code is disabled (greyed-out) and moved to the bottom of the language list. Users are unable to select this code in 21-22 forward, but are able to see if a student currently has the value.

PSSR-268972CTE Student Student Data Information Screen UpdateThe CTE Student Data Information screen is updated to include additional CTE Industry-Recognized Credential Codes.

First - Fourth Period YDD Reengagement Data Collection Added

The Student State/Province - OR screen is updated to include a link to a new data collection screen for YDD Reengagement Data.
This screen allows participating schools to enter Reengagement data for students, including: program information, reasons for disengagement, reasons for reengagement, and reengagement outcomes.
The program start and end dates, as well as entry and exit information align with a student's school start and end dates (as is done on the Cumulative ADM screen).
A link to the YDD Reengagement screen is added to the Transfer Info (current and previous enrollments) screens.

YDD Reengagement File - New Report

YDD Reengagement File: Version 1.0

The YDD Reengagement File generates the YDD Reengagement Data collection with the consolidated student file format. The report will include students whose Grantee Type Code is not blank on the student's YDD Reengagement page (for current and previous enrollments) and where the student's school enrollment dates are within the report run dates.

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