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Staff Setup


The following data elements are required for staff setup. The first three pages of navigation are removed for brevity:

Start Page > Staff > [Select Staff Member].

  1. On the Start Page, click Staff.
  2. Select a staff member or New Staff Entry.
  3. Select Edit Information for existing staff members.

Data Element

Additional Information



Used in these Reports

Entering Staff Information


Name (Last, First MI)

Enter the name.

Format: LastName, FirstName MiddleName





Max 40

Class Roster
Staff Asgnmt


Choose the staff member's gender from the pop-up menu.

Valid values:

  • M - Male
  • F - Female
  • X - Non-Binary



Class Roster


Enter the teacher's ID.


Max 10

CTE Course
Class Roster


Enter the staff member's social security number.

Note: Only the last four (4) digits of the Social Security Number are used for state reporting.



Class Roster


Enter the staff member's date of birth.

Note: Output is formatted as MMDDYYYY.



Class Roster
Staff Asgnmt

ODE Unique Staff Identifier

Enter the teacher's ODE Unique Staff Identifier.



Class Roster
Staff Asgnmt

Licensed or Registered with TSPC

Select the checkbox if the staff member is licensed or registered with TSPC. When this checkbox is selected, the TSPC Account Identifier field appears.



Staff Asgnmt

TSPC Account Identifier

When the Licensed or Registered with TSPC checkbox is selected, the TSPC Account Identifier field becomes available. Enter the identifier.



Staff Asgnmt

Alternate License Last NameIf the teacher has last name on his/her license that is different than on his/her staff record, enter that name here.[S_OR_USR_X]AlternateLicNumber50Staff Asgnmt
Qualification CommentEnter any notes about the teachers qualifications.[S_OR_USR_X]QualificationComment200Staff Asgnmt
Full Time Schedule Hours

School value: Displays the teacher's home school full-time schedule hours.

School Staff value: If the teacher's full-time schedule hours are different than his/her home school's hours, enter the hours. Otherwise, leave this field blank and the home school value will be reported.



4Staff Asgnmt

Position Code

Enter the teacher's Position Code (from the ODE list).



Class Roster

Highly Qualified Records Per Subject Area link

Use this link to add/edit Highly Qualified Records per staff member (see below).



Staff Asgnmt

Defining Highly Qualified Records

Edit Information  > [Highly Qualified Records Per Subject Area link] > Highly Qualified Records

Add a Subject Area Qualification: Start typing to search

Start typing a Subject Area Qualifications description to invoke the search.

All subject area names that include the search criteria are listed.

Select the desired subject area and click the green plus sign. A staff-specific data entry page appears.

To edit/delete existing records, click any of the links in the Currently Defined Subject Area Qualifications area.



Staff Asgnmt

TSPC License Flag

Choose the staff member's TSPC License Flag value from the pop-up menu.



Staff Asgnmt

Effective Date – Future Use

Enter the effective date of the staff member's HQ status.

Not used for state reporting.

This field is for local use if the entity chooses to track the information.



Not required.

Expiration Date – Future Use

Enter the expiration date of the staff member's HQ status.

Not used for state reporting.

This field is for local use if the entity chooses to track the information.



Not required.

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