S_OR_USR_HQ_C (ver 15.10.3)
This table is a child of the [Users] table and stores information related to subject area qualifications for staff members.
Column Name | Version | Data Type | Description |
ID | 15.10.3 | Number(11,0) | Primary Key for this table. |
UsersDCID | 15.10.3 | Number(10,0) | Foreign key that relates the child table to the [Users] table. |
EffectiveDate | 15.10.3 | Date | Future Use - The date this subject area qualification becomes applicable for the subject area. |
ExpirationDate | 15.10.3 | Date | Future Use - The date this subject area qualification ends and no longer applies to the subject area. |
HQPlanCmnt | 15.10.3 | Varchar2(200) | Comment describing the plan intended to make this teacher Highly Qualified for this course. Also used to explain why Reason Not Highly Qualified Code 9 (Other) was selected. |
HQStatusCd | 15.10.3 | Varchar2(2) | Code indicating the District determination of Highly Qualified Status for the staff member in the specific Subject Area. |
HQStatusCmnt | 15.10.3 | Varchar2(200) | Comments describing the Highly Qualified Status of the staff member. |
HQStatusCmntCd | 15.10.3 | Varchar2(2) | Code describing the Highly Qualified Status of the staff member. |
RsnNotHQCd | 15.10.3 | Varchar2(2) | Code indicating the reason the staff member teaching courses in this Subject Area is not Highly Qualified. |
SubjAreaID | 15.10.3 | Number(11,0) | Foreign Key that links this table to the [S_OR_CourseSubjArea_S] table. |
TSPCHQFg | 15.10.3 | Varchar2(2) | Flag documenting if TSPC records indicate a licensed/endorsed status for this staff member and Subject Area. |