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Column NameVersionDatatypeDescription
GranteeTypCd21.8.2.0Varchar(2)Code indicating the type of grant received by the institution serving this student
HmlssStdntFg21.8.2.0NUMBER(1,0)Flag indicating the student was homeless at any point during this period of enrollment.

VctnlRehabProgFg,0)Flag indicating that the student is or has been served by a Vocational Rehabilitation program.
EntryCd21.8.2.0Varchar(2)Code indicating where the student is entering the program from.
ReflSrcCd21.8.2.0Varchar(2)Code indicating how the student was referred to the program
CrdDfcyDisengmtFg21.8.2.0NUMBER(1,0)Flag indicating the student disengaged from school because of Credit Deficiency.
DsplnDisengmtFg21.8.2.0NUMBER(1,0)Flag indicating the student disengaged from school because of disciplinary reasons.
EmplyDisengmtFg21.8.2.0NUMBER(1,0)Flag indicating the student disengaged from school because of Employment reasons.
FamlyCaregvngDisengmtFg21.8.2.0NUMBER(1,0)Flag indicating the student disengaged from school because of Family Caregiving.
HomeLifeDisengmtFg21.8.2.0NUMBER(1,0)Flag indicating the student disengaged from school because of Home Life.
StdntHthDisengmtFg21.8.2.0NUMBER(1,0)Flag indicating the student disengaged from school because of Student Health.
PrgntYthDisengmtFg21.8.2.0NUMBER(1,0)Flag indicating the student disengaged from school because they were Pregnant/Parenting Youth.
ResdtlTrtmtDisengmtFg21.8.2.0NUMBER(1,0)Flag indicating the student disengaged from school because of Residential Care/Treatment.
SclBlyngDisengmtFg21.8.2.0NUMBER(1,0)Flag indicating the student disengaged from school for Social (Bullying) reasons.
SclOthrDisengmtFg21.8.2.0NUMBER(1,0)Flag indicating the student disengaged from school for Social (Other) reasons.
TrmtcLifeEventDisengmtFg21.8.2.0NUMBER(1,0)Flag indicating the student disengaged from school because of a Traumatic Life Event.
OthrDisengmtFg21.8.2.0NUMBER(1,0)Flag indicating the student disengaged from school for Other reasons.
CrdRcvrEnrlmntRsnFg21.8.2.0NUMBER(1,0)Flag indicating the student enrolled in this program because of Credit Recovery.
SchdFlxbltyEnrlmntRsnFg21.8.2.0NUMBER(1,0)Flag indicating the student enrolled in this program because of Schedule Flexibility.
IndvdlzdSrvcEnrlmntRsnFg21.8.2.0NUMBER(1,0)Flag indicating the student enrolled in this program because of Individualized Services/Supports.
FamlySrvcEnrlmntRsnFg21.8.2.0NUMBER(1,0)Flag indicating the student enrolled in this program because of Family Services/Supports.
PrgntPrntEnrlmntRsnFg21.8.2.0NUMBER(1,0)Flag indicating the student enrolled in this program because of Pregnant/Parenting Program or Supports.
TrngEmplyEnrlmntRsnFg21.8.2.0NUMBER(1,0)Flag indicating the student enrolled in this program because of Training and Employment Opportunities.
BhvrlHthSprtEnrlmntRsnFg21.8.2.0NUMBER(1,0)Flag indicating the student enrolled in this program because of Behavioral/Mental Health support.
AcmdtnEnrlmntRsnFg21.8.2.0NUMBER(1,0)Flag indicating the student enrolled in this program because of Accommodation of Health Issues or Disabilities.
ClsSzEnrlmntRsnFg21.8.2.0NUMBER(1,0)Flag indicating the student enrolled in this program because of Class Size.
AltEdEdSettingEnrlmntRsnFg21.8.2.0NUMBER(1,0)Flag indicating the student enrolled in this program because of Alternative Education Setting.
DiplomaCmpltnEnrlmntRsnFg21.8.2.0NUMBER(1,0)Flag indicating the student enrolled in this program because of High School Diploma Completion Options.
GEDCmpltnOptEnrlmntRsnFg21.8.2.0NUMBER(1,0)Flag indicating the student enrolled in this program because of GED Completion Options.
SclEnvEnrlmntRsnFg21.8.2.0NUMBER(1,0)Flag indicating the student enrolled in this program because of Social Environment.
CRPEnrlmntRsnFg21.8.2.0NUMBER(1,0)Flag indicating the student enrolled in this program because of Culturally Relevant Programming.
OutrchSrvcEnrlmntRsnFg21.8.2.0NUMBER(1,0)Flag indicating the student enrolled in this program because of Outreach Services.
AcdmCoachingEnrlmntRsnFg21.8.2.0NUMBER(1,0)Flag indicating the student enrolled in this program because of Academic and Career Coaching.
JobSkillEnrlmntRsnFg21.8.2.0NUMBER(1,0)Flag indicating the student enrolled in this program because of Profession and Job Skills Development.
PstScndrySprtEnrlmntRsnFg21.8.2.0NUMBER(1,0)Flag indicating the student enrolled in this program because of Post-Secondary Support/Access.
OthrEnrlmntRsnFg21.8.2.0NUMBER(1,0)Flag indicating the student enrolled in this program for a reason not listed.  
NbrOfGEDTstPass21.8.2.0NUMBER(11,0)The total number of GED tests that the student passed this school year.  
NbrOfCrdEarnd21.8.2.0Varchar(7)The total number of transcripted credits that the student earned this school year with two decimal places.  
YDDEndDtCd21.8.2.0Varchar(2)Code describing the student's enrollment status on the Enrollment End Date.
ADMDiplomaTypCd21.8.2.0Varchar(1)Code indicating the type of diploma earned.
EmpDrngSchlYrFg21.8.2.0NUMBER(1,0)Flag indicating the student had employment at some point during the school year.
PstScndryEnrlmntFg21.8.2.0NUMBER(1,0)Flag indicating that the student enrolled in postsecondary education or training within 3 months of exiting the re-engagement program.  
PstEnrlmntEmplyFg21.8.2.0NUMBER(1,0)Flag indicating that the student was employed within 3 months of exiting the re-engagement program.  
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