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S_OR_STU_LEP_X (ver 15.7.0)

This table is an extension of the [Students] table.  These fields are related to Limited English Proficiency.
Note: The LEPFg field is in the S_OR_STU_X table. 

Column Name


Data Type





Primary key that relates the extended table back to the Students table.

AMAO_InclsnFg15.10.3Number(1,0)Flag indicating that this record was used for Annual Measurable Achievement Objectives (AMA0) reporting. Migrated from [Students.OR_LEPAMAOInclsnFg].
CmpScProfLvl15.10.3Varchar2(2)Code indicating the composite scale proficiency level of the student on the administered proficiency test. Migrated from [Students.OR_LEPCmpScProfLvl].
ExitDt15.10.3DateDate the student exited an English Language Development (ELD) program. Migrated from [Students.OR_LEPExitDt].
PrgMdlTypCd115.10.3Varchar2(2)Code indicating an English as a Second Language (ESL) instruction model used in the program in which the student was enrolled at the time of test administration. Migrated from [Students.OR_LEPPrgMdlTypCd1].
PrgMdlTypCd215.10.3Varchar2(2)Code indicating a program model, other than English as a Second Language (ESL), in which the student was enrolled at the time of test administration. Migrated from [Students.OR_LEPPrgMdlTypCd2].
PrgMdlTypCd315.10.3Varchar2(2)Code indicating a program model, other than English as a Second Language (ESL), in which the student was enrolled at the time of test administration. Migrated from [Students.OR_LEPPrgMdlTypCd3].
ProfTstAdmnDt15.10.3DateDate the proficiency test was administered to the student. Migrated from [Students.OR_LEPProfTstAdmnDt].
ProfTstNmCd15.10.3Varchar2(2)Code indicating the proficiency test that was used to evaluate the student's English proficiency. Migrated from [Students.OR_LEPProfTstNmCd].
RecTypCd15.10.3Varchar2(2)Code indicating the type of Limited English Proficiency (LEP) student record submitted. Migrated from [Students.OR_LEPRecTypCd].




Flag indicating that this record has had severely interrupted formal education.

StartDt15.10.3DateDate the student first entered an English Language Development (ELD) program anywhere in a public school in the United States. Migrated from [Students.OR_LEPStrtDt].




Date the waiver became effective.

RdDmnCd18.8.0Varchar2(2)Reading Domain Code.
WritingDmnCd18.8.0Varchar2(2)Writing Domain Code.
LstnngDmnCd18.8.0Varchar2(2)Listening Domain Code.
SpeakingDmnCd18.8.0Varchar2(2)Speaking Domain Code.
AddnLangCd19.9.0Varchar2(4)Adding language

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