S_OR_STU_CTE_X (ver 14.4.0)
This table is an extension of the [Students] table. These fields are related to Career and Technical Education.
Column Name | Version | Data Type | Description |
StudentsDCID | 14.4.0 | Number(10,0) | Primary key that relates the extended table back to the Students table. |
AcdmDsvntgFg | 15.10.3 | Number(1,0) | Indicates the student is academically disadvantaged and requires special services and assistance in order to succeed. Migrated from [Students.OR_PTEAcdmDisadv]. |
Asmt1AdminDt | 15.10.3 | Date | The date the first CTE assessment was administered. Migrated from [Students.OR_CTEAsmt1AdminDt]. |
Asmt1PassCd | 15.10.3 | Varchar2(1) | The pass status for the first CTE assessment. Migrated from [Students.OR_CTEAsmt1PassCd]. |
Asmt1TypCd | 15.10.3 | Varchar2(2) | Indicates the first CTE assessment type. Migrated from [Students.OR_CTEAsmt1TypCd]. |
Asmt2AdminDt | 15.10.3 | Date | The date the second CTE assessment was administered. Migrated from [Students.OR_CTEAsmt2AdminDt]. |
Asmt2PassCd | 15.10.3 | Varchar2(1) | The pass status for the second CTE assessment. Migrated from [Students.OR_CTEAsmt2PassCd]. |
Asmt2TypCd | 15.10.3 | Varchar2(2) | Indicates the second CTE assessment type. Migrated from [Students.OR_CTEAsmt2TypCd]. |
AssessmentIDCode1 | 15.10.3 | Varchar2(10) | CTE Technical Skill/Credential Identification Code for first assessment. |
AssessmentIDCode2 | 15.10.3 | Varchar2(10) | CTE Technical Skill/Credential Identification Code for the second assessment. |
CareerRltdLrnExp1 | 15.10.3 | Varchar2(1) | Code indicating the first type of Career-Related Learning Experience in which the student participated. Migrated from [Students.OR_PTECareerRltdLrnExp1]. |
CareerRltdLrnExp2 | 15.10.3 | Varchar2(1) | Code indicating the second type of Career-Related Learning Experience in which the student participated. Migrated from [Students.OR_PTECareerRltdLrnExp2]. |
CareerRltdLrnExp3 | 15.10.3 | Varchar2(1) | Code indicating the third type of Career-Related Learning Experience in which the student participated. Migrated from [Students.OR_PTECareerRltdLrnExp3]. |
CareerRltdLrnExp4 | 15.10.3 | Varchar2(1) | Code indicating the fourth type of Career-Related Learning Experience in which the student participated. Migrated from [Students.OR_PTECareerRltdLrnExp4]. |
CTEAsmt1CIPCd | 14.4.0 | Varchar2(7) | NCES Classification of Instructional Programs (CIP) code indicating the career area and program area for the first assessment taken by the student with one implied decimal point (format: XX.XXXX). |
CTEAsmt2CIPCd | 14.4.0 | Varchar2(7) | NCES Classification of Instructional Programs (CIP) code indicating the career area and program area for the second assessment taken by the student with one implied decimal point (format: XX.XXXX). |
StdntLdrOrg1 | 15.10.3 | Varchar2(1) | Code indicating the first type of Student Leadership Organization to which the student belongs. Migrated from [Students.OR_PTEStdntLdrOrg1]. |
StdntLdrOrg2 | 15.10.3 | Varchar2(1) | Code indicating the second type of Student Leadership Organization to which the student belongs. Migrated from [Students.OR_PTEStdntLdrOrg2]. |
StdntLdrOrg3 | 15.10.3 | Varchar2(1) | Code indicating the third type of Student Leadership Organization to which the student belongs. Migrated from [Students.OR_PTEStdntLdrOrg3]. |
StdntLdrOrg4 | 15.10.3 | Varchar2(1) | Code indicating the fourth type of Student Leadership Organization to which the student belongs. Migrated from [Students.OR_PTEStdntLdrOrg4]. |
YrEndStatus | 15.10.3 | Varchar2(1) | Code indicating the student's status as of the end of the school year. Migrated from [Students.OR_PTEYrEndStatus]. |
WBLTypCd1 | 20.12.2 | Varchar2(1) | Work-Based Learning Type Code 1 |
WBLHrsCd1 | 20.12.2 | Varchar2(7) | Work-Based Learning Hours Code 1 |
WBLTypCd2 | 20.12.2 | Varchar2(1) | Work-Based Learning Type Code 2 |
WBLHrsCd2 | 20.12.2 | Varchar2(7) | Work-Based Learning Hours Code 2 |
WBLTypCd3 | 20.12.2 | Varchar2(1) | Work-Based Learning Type Code 3 |
WBLHrsCd3 | 20.12.2 | Varchar2(7) | Work-Based Learning Hours Code 3 |
WBLTypCd4 | 20.12.2 | Varchar2(1) | Work-Based Learning Type Code 4 |
WBLHrsCd4 | 20.12.2 | Varchar2(7) | Work-Based Learning Hours Code 4 |
IRCCd1 | 20.12.2 | Varchar2(10) | CTE Industry-Recognized Credential Code 1 |
IRCAdmnDt1 | 20.12.2 | Date | CTE Industry-Recognized Credential Administration Date 2 |
IRCCIPCd1 | 20.12.2 | Varchar2(6) | CTE Industry-Recognized Credential CIP Code 1 |
IRCPassCd1 | 20.12.2 | Varchar2(1) | CTE Industry-Recognized Credential Pass Indicator 1 |
IRCCd2 | 20.12.2 | Varchar2(10) | CTE Industry-Recognized Credential Code 2 |
IRCAdmnDt2 | 20.12.2 | Date | CTE Industry-Recognized Credential Administration Date 2 |
IRCCIPCd2 | 20.12.2 | Varchar2(6) | CTE Industry-Recognized Credential CIP Code 2 |
IRCPassCd2 | 20.12.2 | Varchar2(1) | CTE Industry-Recognized Credential Pass Indicator 2 |
WBLCIPCd1 | | Varchar2(7) | Work-Based Learning CIP Code 1 |
WBLCIPCd2 | | Varchar2(7) | Work-Based Learning CIP Code 2 |
WBLCIPCd3 | | Varchar2(7) | Work-Based Learning CIP Code 3 |
WBLCIPCd1 | | Varchar2(7) | Work-Based Learning CIP Code 4 |